Claudia Sheinbaum (Mexico City, 1962) represents a strange specimen to mexican politics. Away from the populist rhetoric, uncomfortable to auditoriums massive, with a language that is cautious, without the sensationalism typical of the leader of his party president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has a degree in Physics and a phd in Energy Engineering is a revolution in the political chessboard of mexico. If the country navigates against the current wave of right-wing crosses America, from Donald Trump to Jair Bolsonaro, starting this Wednesday, the largest city of Spanish-speaking world will be ruled by a woman of the left.


Mexico City s largest elect Claudia Sheinbaum waves to the crowd as she arrives to the National Palace during the inauguration day of Mexico’s new President, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, in Mexico City, Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo) Moises Castillo AP The stoicism of Claudia Sheinbaum, Claudia Sheinbaum rampage in the mexican capital Sheinbaum is surrounding himself with former officials in the Government of the City of Mexico

Sheinbaum seems in their ways the antithesis of the mexican head of state. It is not a leader of the masses, just smiles at public events and, although it strives to make it look otherwise, it operates best at a conference between scientists who were shouting slogans on stage before dozens of supporters. Despite everything, he managed to wrest the power in the past elections to the historic PRD —headed by Ajelandra Rods in coalition with the PAN and Citizens Movement— which had been in control of the capital for more than two decades. Now, for the first time, the capital and the country will be governed by the same party, Brunette, something that has not occurred since the holding of the first elections in the then Federal District, in 1997.

When lance proposed, the arguments of Sheinbaum tend to be cautious with the possible outcomes and get away from the big promises, even during the campaign. Declares proudly that she herself writes his speeches and record mathematical formulas that serve to synthesize the ideas. His pragmatism has led him even to the way you dress: each day choose a uniform that consists of, without just variations on a white shirt, jeans and a bandana at the neck. A decision that allows you to focus the attention solely on his speech. The latest survey of Parametría, obtained by this newspaper, points to the general opinion about your picture is “very good”, with 37 points (López Obrador has 45 in the capital).

Is defined as a policy of left-wing —akin to the mayors of Madrid, Manuela Carmena and Barcelona, Ada Colau; amateur to follow the interventions of the leaders of we Can in the Spanish Congress—, committed to cultural diversity, the environment, advocate of the native peoples of the capital and of the reproductive rights of women. No doubt recognised feminist, although during his campaign to be carried in their ranks with a contradictory coalition: a party of origin, evangelical and ultra-right, Social Encounter (PES), which is also accompanied Lopez Obrador in his run for the presidency. A formation which is publicly recognized to be against abortion and gay marriage. But the victory of Brown, born to win it all four years ago, was above also of the ideological principles.

Sheinbaum decision this Wednesday the reins of a city that has been a benchmark for Latin America in the conquest of civil rights —such as legal abortion and gay marriage—, achievements that were incubated from the left in the local Congress and that meant great progress for other States in the country. A great metropolis by the circulating more than 20 million people Trbet that, for the first time in its history, to be governed by a woman elected in the polls: before her, Rosario Robles earned that position for a little over a year without winning an election, in charge of substitute Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, between September 1999 and December 2000.

His Government faces great challenges. Violence that have caused the struggles of the cartels in the local drug —the killings have not stopped growing for years, with 883 murders between January and September of 2018, which has broken the feeling of an oasis for the rest of the Republic, proposing to combat it with a strategy similar to that adopted by López Obrador during his years in charge of the capital (2000 to 2005): centralize the security in the Government of the City of Mexico, with daily meetings of a specialist consultant and the imposition of a single command. In addition, it has created a new Secretariat of the Woman, in a city where the femicides reached the figure of three per week.

Other priorities that stressed the new cabinet to tackle the lack of water in many delegations from the south and southeast, the intolerable levels of pollution —she was secretary of Environment during the leadership of López Obrador in the capital, the inefficiency of the public transport system (especially in the periphery) and the reconstruction of a city that is located in a seismic zone, with hundreds of buildings damaged and many collapsed by the earthquake of September 19, 2017, that cost the lives of more than 300 people and caused the eviction of hundreds of families, many of them have not received financial aid yet.

The earthquake was also their Achilles heel during the election campaign. Sheinbaum ruled from 2015 the municipality of Tlalpan and during his administration he had to deal with one of the episodes most terrible of that tragedy. In this delegation we collapsed a school where there were 26 dead, 19 children and seven adults. The images became a symbol of the catastrophe. And the irregularities of that building marked the final phase of its legislature and his campaign. His political rivals and became the center of their attacks, then blamed the local Government of the illegality of the work and the management of that crisis.

The main challenge of Sheinbaum is to ensure that the national policy is not engagement of its legislature. The chosen by López Obrador to take over the reins of the city runs the risk of being overshadowed by a leading federal which up to now has promised to centralize on your computer the major steps for the country and also the communication, with daily press conferences on their progress. The new head of Government will lead to a capital which, for the first time since it was constituted like independent of the central power 21 years ago, is not a political opposition to the national Government. And some of their adversaries, as the excandidato to the head, Marco Rascon, warn of the dangers of “unveil” the local Congress and turn it into a version subordinate of the federal: “We have to see if Sheinbaum will be doomed to become a mere administrator of the decisions that are going to take in another part,” he says. To be emancipated from the absolute power of Lopez Obrador, given their related, not only will allow you to achieve a change of image of the capital of Mexico. The reivindicaría as one of the political future of the country and of Latin America.