Susana Díaz: “The limit of the reform is the unity of Spain, and equality,” Fernando Clavijo: “We have to make a State more federal” Feijóo: “What is most urgent to reform the Constitution is to recover the climate of consensus”

Several associations, republican of Guipuzkoa, San Sebastian, and EH Bildu in Bilbao to commemorate the anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, claiming the Republic. Several thousand people have crossed the Gran Vía of Bilbao with proclamations of all kinds in favor of independence and of a republic basque but, above all, against the Magna Carta, which for the coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi “is a prison of peoples, capitalist, who denies the rights of the workers and the peoples”.

In the political act that has closed the demonstration, Otegi has reminded us that the Constitution was conceived still with the regime of Franco hot. “40 years ago, did things extraordinary in the Spanish State: laying down in fascists and rose to democrats. The same dogs with different collars”. “We don’t allow ourselves to be deceived, that Constitution was based on the impunity of the fascist, the unity of the country and the Spanish defense of the interests of the oligarchies. He denied our people of Catalonia and the right to Betorder freedom. They are supremacists, we are reds and separatists”, he added.

EH Bildu, which has agreed on the basis of the new statute with the PNV and negotiates the budget basque for 2019, has been charged against a past that was conceived “against our interests”, in reference to the forecast statutory. However, it has not had not a word critical of the party of the past in which ETA wanted to impose on the basques a way of thinking and to do so killed extorsionó and persecuted those who did not think as their leaders.

The leader of the pro-independence left has warned that “comes the involution policy, not only because Vox has achieved a good result, but because in the background there is a trend in the State, led by Paul, Married, looking to trim our freedoms.”

Several hundred republicans manifest themselves in San Sebastián. JAVIER HERNÁNDEZ

In San Sebastian, the march has been convened by the Association to the Republican Irunesa Nicolas Guerendiain, the Association Republican Belabieta of Andoain, and Donostiako Errepublikarrak, and has counted with the participation of the deputy of United we Can in Congress Elizabeth Health, and the secretary general of the PSR-EPK and parliamentary basque Ezker Anitza-IU, Jon Hernandez, among others.

Moments before the protest, Isabel Health, has reminded journalists that, its formation defends “a model of State and federal republican” at the time and was “totally against the positions of the far right and the right of our country”, which, as has been said, “the only thing they do is fire people” and “create hatred, frustration and confrontation”. The main shouts were against the monarchy and in favor of the republic.