The head of the world health organization (WHO) has warned, in view of the allegedly genetically modified babies in China, the unintended consequences of such interventions. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus don’t want to exclude the possibility of genome manipulation of germ cells from the outset as a therapy for diseases. The WHO professions now a panel of experts to examine all aspects of the controversial technique, said the WHO Secretary-General, on Monday in Geneva. “This is something that can not be easily made without clear guidelines.”

“Well, if experts are to address the questions”

In November, the Chinese researchers He Jiankui from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen had triggered worldwide outrage. He announced on Youtube that he had tampered with the Genschere Crispr/Cas9 embryos, to make them against the AIDS virus Canlı Bahis HIV is resistant to. The twins Nana and Lulu are supposed to be healthy come the world. An independent confirmation of the information. The publication of his research on Youtube instead of in a journal has caused other researchers skepticism. The Chinese government has ordered an investigation and a continuation of the experiments. The researchers had not informed the authorities as necessary in advance.

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Chinese government researchers have Gen-experiments on babies exit

“the genome-editing raises ethical, social and security issues,” said Tedros. “It is well, if experts are to sit down and all of the questions, to see how the method can be used.” The initial question ought to be whether such methods should be considered. “We need to be very careful. We can’t begin to genome manipulation, without an understanding of possible unintended consequences.” In the panel of experts, in addition to the WHO and government representatives, but also independent researchers of sit, said Tedros. (dpa)