– In recent years we have seen fundamental changes in the design of the public provision of patients with well documented disease.

– There has been a conscious shift in the way to handle cases from the weighting of the lægefaglighed to the weighting of the so-called ‘comprehensive evaluations’.

See also: Afliv me: the Hunt for my last theoretical arbejdsminut must stop now

so begins Lisbeth Riisager Henriksen a letter to the nation! særsektion for Borgerforslag, 1849. Lisbeth has followed the area closely since the then minister for employment Mette Frederiksen (S), reforms of the disability pension, flex jobs, sickness benefit and social assistance systems from 2012 onwards. the
And she has written about how the reforms have left many affected citizens in a penibel situation. In nearly 6 months, she has gathered support for a proposal to ensure that people who are sick, are not exposed to the job centre requirements.

And there is only almost 42.933 supports, to the proposal being discussed in the Parliament. Her letter – which you like to share to people who might be agree – continue, therefore, as follows:

– There are too many examples of attempts to develop (a hypothetical) ability to work with documented difficult ill citizens, and that health status is further exacerbated solely as a result of the proceedings.

See also: Another goku in the time of trouble and to Ulla Klasbahis with the sick man back

– A greater number of very sick persons are actually died, while they – despite medical warnings – have been placed in the ressource procedures

– It is disgraceful, unfair, and health recklessly!

See also: Refusal again: Even the local doctor think Jim is too sick for the job

– In the background, I, along with 8 other citizens made borgerforslaget ”Sick to get out of the employment”.

– Sick people with documented illness and impaired level of functioning must not have their forsørgelsessager treated in the municipal job centres.

– They must be respected as such by the public social system, and the medical documentation from the patient’s own doctors to make the crucial part of the proceedings.

– All this is handled best from the line ministries, where there is a focus on social and health stakes rather than, as now, on the employment, or pure activation.

– Support the proposal, if you sympathize with it, writes Lisbeth, and you are welcome to support the proposal here (remember NemID)

Who should have the most power in cases of work? job centres People’s own doctors do not Know

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Who should have the most power in cases of work? 6% Jobcentres 90% of the People own doctors 4% By not

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See also: Invisible ill and on incapacity benefit: Here are the secret rules