Pakistani authorities have arrested on Saturday hundreds of supporters of a radical cleric, who protested against his detention.

hours after the arrest of the leaders of the Islamists party, Tehreek-e-and excellence (TLP), Khadim Hussain Rizvi, had more than 300 of his supporters in Punjab province detained in order to “maintain public order”, police said. Rizvis party had led the protests against the acquittal of the Christian woman, Asia Bibi, from the accusation of blasphemy.

early Saturday in the southern port city of Karachi as clashes between Pakistani paramilitary forces and protesters. In a on Friday released Video of a high-level TLP called official again to protest. The police have arrested dozens of party-employees in Karachi and Lahore, said Pir Afzal Qadri in his video message.

Rizvi was arrested by the police in front of a Saturday in Betkanyon Islamabad, the planned rally in “protective custody” and in a “guest house”, said the Pakistani information Minister, Fawad Chaudhry. It was a measure to “safeguard the public’s life, property and order.”

The arrest had nothing to do with the process against Bibi, – assured the Minister. “The law should take its course and it cannot be Individual,” he added.

30 days in custody

The provincial government in Punjab is the spiritual home for 30 days in custody with informed. There is “credible” information that he could affect law and order. In all of the major cities in the province, police were dispatched units to avoid any “disturbing incidents”. Political meetings were banned.

The case of the Christian woman, Bibi had international caused quite a stir. She was sentenced eight years ago because of alleged blasphemy in Pakistan is death, and sat since then in custody.

Although the Supreme court of the country lifted up the end of October, the death sentence and acquitted them of all charges, but they could not leave due to massive protests by Islamists in their home. Germany as a possible host country for the Christian in the conversation. (nag/sda)

Created: 24.11.2018, 13:12 PM