some 400 Federal police officers have taken on Thursday in Bremen against an organized gang of thieves to have high-quality steering wheels and other control devices out of a new car specialized. In the action three arrest warrants were enforced and several homes have been searched, as the Federal police announced. The gang was broken into, among other things, in the rail transport of new cars.

For their actions, the Suspects, the investigators, according to the technical equipment to the value of 600,000 euros, but Klasbahis in addition, property damage of two million Euro is that it has to be stolen. This came from the fact that you Verbindungsbälge of transport wagons, and meat products. Because of the potential for violence even special forces were in the RAID.

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The ties to the steering wheels sold over the Internet. The Federal police have warned, in this connection, prior to the acquisition, allegedly, of new safety-related car equipment in the network. Especially at unusually low prices, and unauthorized sellers, please be careful. The search of the extensive investigations of the Bremen public Prosecutor’s office and the Federal police were gone. (AFP)