Since the murder of the saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has criticism brought against the U.S. involvement in the Jemenkonfliken.

The u.s. senate voted last Youwin month, yes, to take forward a proposal to end the military aid to saudikoalitionen.

– There is a pressure to either withdraw from the conflict or to end our support for the coalition. Something that we are firmly opposed to from the administration’s side, ” says Timothy Lenderking, officer at U.S. department of state told Reuters.

will continue its support for the regeringsidan in the conflict comes just days after the warring parties started talks in Sweden.

Timothy Lenderking describe the meeting in the Swedish Gottröra as an important first step in order to reach a solution to the conflict, but stresses that it will not be easy.

– In the future of Yemen, there is no place for an Iran-backed threat to saudi Arabia, the United arab emirates, and the vital international economic areas, ” says Timothy Lenderking.

the Consultations between the government of Yemen and huthirebellerna began last Thursday and is led by the UN special envoy, Martin Griffiths. During the Saturday criticized the government’s representative Rana Ghanem huthirebellerna.

Expectations based on experience, and based on my experience I would say that no, they’re not serious, ” she said to AFP.

the UN says that there has been progress in the talks. In a statement, said Martin Griffiths to the conflict both parties are seriously engaged in the process.

the War in Yemen has been going on for almost four years. The conflict raging between, on the one hand, the yemeni government, backed by saudikoalitionen, and on the other side huthirebellerna which is supported by Iran.

Information about the use of torture complicates the peace talks on the Yemen

the Women from Yemen who support the UN mediator in Gottröra

U.S. senate vote for withdrawal in Yemen