Mari Lundby believe foreldrepermisjonsordninga pushing women to choose between work and breastfeeding. In a constructed ultimatum she puts breastfeeding up to work.

Guri Melby. Show more

But the mother need not choose either or. Helsemyndighetenes advice on exclusive breastfeeding until the child is 6 months going fine also with the new arrangement. The mother can be at home for at least 7 months with full pay, and 8.5 months with 80% salary.

When Betpark she starts in the job again, she’s entitled to at least one hour’s paid he, and beyond that, so a lot of unpaid free she need to cover the child’s needs.

There must be other roads to the gender equality Debate

Foreldrepermisjonens length have varied through the ages, and many a working mother has also nursed. Let us not make it a bad thing.

at the same time experiencing numerous that it is challenging. We have to take seriously. Some employers do not meet the statutory rights to provide for he. So it should not be, and that we need to follow up on.

Several people have been critical that is an arrangement that parents also take liking. I disagree, and it is also Lundbys own party, the Labour party, who voted to introduce tredelingen.

I understand that parents want the most possible freedom of choice in how one disposes of foreldrepermisjonen to be able to adapt best to their situation. But foreldrepermisjonen are helping to shape our shared perceptions of what a family and a parent is and should be.

The new tree foreldrepermisjonen equate the mother and father as caregivers. Children need loving, present fathers, and we women need that men taking even greater responsibility at home.

we have become so spoiled in this country that all leave shall be with full pay? Debate