Mr Maurer, in Marrakech, is now to be the UN-migration Pact signed. A historic breakthrough, as the Federal government says?

The Pact is a milestone in the history of diplomacy. The document shows that some in the international community when it comes to controversial topics on certain guidelines. In times in which a world is more consensus more and more difficult, this is a great success.

As a Diplomat, you know the inner workings of the UN. How do you imagine the negotiations on the migration Pact?

This was a complex process over several years. First, the different States have met on an informal level, then the regional conferences were followed by later discussions at the global level. Overall, the formal negotiations have lasted two years, quite a bit of effort. Since a huge number was involved in the diplomats. One can assume that, since 2015, in each country, three to four ministries with the Pact.

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Why order a one has heard the whole time about nothing?

It was certainly not on the lack of transparency. Everything about this process was open to the public. After each round of Negotiations, there were press conferences. About every session long protocols have been published. On the national stage the issue is, however, only, as the right-wing populists began to make it mobile.

it Was a mistake for the Federal government to inform the German Public in the past?

I don’t think so. I know this from my experience as a Diplomat. You can hold 100 press conferences, because no one comes, as long as it is not an issue. But it is strange that the Pact has suddenly become a political bone of contention, after more than Milanobet 190 countries had agreed. A lesson for the policy should be that you have to look at controversial issues in the country early in the consensus. The discussion of the migration Pact is a Wake-up call for political parties to be a little more attentive.

The critics of the Pact say that he keep a lid on the negative aspects of Migration. Is that true?

no, quite the contrary. You only have to look in the Text of the document. If you want to, then you find the corresponding formulations.

For example?

the theme of the deportations. This is a Central concern of the industrialized countries. In the Pact, to deport illegal migrants to their countries of origin to be traced – and they commit themselves to their citizens. Also, human trafficking is addressed, that is also a problematic issue.

The Pact, signed so, not a rosy picture of Migration?

no, not at all. The goal is to bring objectivity into the debate about Migration. For decades, the research finds that the benefits of international Migration outweigh clearly, for all Involved. Since the return flows of funds in the countries of origin of migrants, but also increased capacity for innovation or the strengthening of social welfare systems in the receiving countries. The majority of global Migration is not a problem, for example within the EU or OECD countries. In the subjective Perception of many people, but the Migration is seen as something Negative, as a threat to their own identity. The Pact is also meant to find a Balance between these two positions.

Therefore, to collect the signatory States, more information about migration flows undertake?

Exactly. The Pact should help the governments to the issue of Migration. What orders of magnitude we have to do it? What are the economic consequences of Migration? In the Pact, it comes to assist States in the Management of Migration. So you have to understand the Text.

Peter Maurer (62) is since 2012 President of the International Committee of the Red cross (ICRC).Photo: Thilo Rückeis

The Pact is not legally binding. So it’s just a Declaration of intent?

no, it will unfold its effect, because it sets international Standards as a benchmark for national legislation. The migration Pact has no direct legal force, but a political importance. Who makes in the future national migration laws, will always need to keep the UN-migration Pact. The contract may, therefore, be an argumentation help.

What do you mean?

We are committed, for example, for years, to ensure that migrant children in detention facilities. It is also in the Pact. In some countries, unaccompanied minors migrants but still behind bars because it allows the local legal situation. Who wants to abolish the imprisonment, however, can rely in the future on the migration Pact. We as a humanitarian organization, take the signatories at their word, and insist that they implement the rules of the Treaty. Therefore, the Red cross is in need of the migration Pact. There are a number of topics, which are in the Pact, because the Red cross has urged movement on it.

What are these topics?

All, what is there to save lives on the migration routes comes from us. Also, that the search for the missing migrants is being expanded, is our demand. Just as that is prohibited to detain minors or to separate families at the border.

How will change the migration Pact the work of the Red cross?

we Take the issue of health care. To be in accordance with the UN Pact no longer depends on the legal Status of the migrants, but according to their need. For the Red cross movement is a Central concern, because we offer in many countries medical services. We expect that the migration Pact will facilitate our work in this area – also with regard to the containment of diseases.


Today, it is not in many countries so that migrants the car without papers it, go to the doctor. Are you afraid to be in their illegality is discovered. The result is that suddenly diseases spread, of which we have actually believed to have wiped them out.

More about

the AfD and the Identitarian movement, such As the rights of the Propaganda against the migration Pact organize

Maria Fiedler Fabian Löhe

The conversation Paul Starzmann.