Last weekend, held a demonstration at Mynttorget in Stockholm against the UN global migrationsramverk which is expected to be signed on 10-11 december. The seed for the demonstration is a long and loud campaign against the UN global framework that have been on the social media.

Despite the fact that the UN voted in favour of the framework in the July it is only in October that the framework begins to engage, particularly after the pseudonym Egor Putilov on the right-wing populist portal Samhällsnytt, former Workers, confirmed that Sweden should sign the framework.

the agreement has been criticised by, inter alia, the Association of journalists and ledarsidorna on the GP, SvD and Kristianstadsbladet. The conservatives have claimed that the government is taking forward an impact assessment of what a signature would mean. And several countries, including Austria, and Hungary, have announced that they will not sign the agreement.

at the same time have the criticism on social media, in some cases, also included misleading claims. In an article that the newspaper Metro’s Viralgranskaren posted goose a few scattered claims through. The agreement is not binding legally, but in some cases it has been alleged or implied that the agreement would be binding and that countries must implement all the framework, despite the fact that the action framework contains only proposals. A claim on Sweden, which spread Netspor and paired with the UN-the agreement makes a claim that the EU wants Sweden to receive 440 million refugees.

on a table from an eight-year-old EU-funded but external report on how many people would get place in different countries if they had a population density of 1,000 inhabitants per square kilometer. The purpose of the report was to examine how the member states of the EU possibly would be able to receive a more evenly distributed number of refugees, but the report has not been used as the basis for EUROPEAN commission proposals in the field of asylum.

the Demonstrations in Sweden has almost exclusively been arranged in various closed facebook groups. In several ways recalls the mobilization of what is happening in France, where the Yellow vests-movement demonstrating against the president of France Emmanuel Macron in a high degree organised through Facebook. Among other things, this could be done by Facebook, in 2018, introduced new algorithms that prioritize the discussions in the facebook groups higher.

Read more: united nations-conference on migration, edged by the drop off