On Sunday, it is the UN international day against men’s violence against women. In Sweden, the constructs themselves mansrörelsen and cry that ”men will be men” brimming with social media and can be heard returning from the editorial of the major newspapers in the country. A canadian professor with gender and conservatism on the agenda has attracted full houses and there is a consensus in the giant mansgrupperingar online if it is interesting and challenging to add the perception of women as equal behind to accept the ”natural dominanshierarkier”.

We are working with men’s violence against women to feel great concern over this development, and we call it development and not a trend, because trends have pointed this direction over time now. In Europe, have a dark-blue conservatism informed during the ”An agenda for Europe” with the title ”Restoring the natural order”. It is a more than a hundred pages long document that is developed by a group of högerkristna representatives with a large network of politicians, oligarchs and the lobbyists around them.

A target is the istanbul convention – Council of europe convention against men’s violence against women and women’s sexual and reproductive rights. It as a part of the Swedish commentators who like to call themselves freethinkers have been reclassified as ”genusflum” – that is to say, knowledge of how gender is created and understood in processes between people – is another target.

There is no doubt that what we have taken for granted of the rights now under attack. We want to call for attention, a critical mind and a warm heart for the women and children. It is seriously now.

This criticism belong to the superpower. Agenda for Europe is formulated by the forces based communication strategies and action plans at a level and of a scale that will get the western non-profit sectors, including our own, to appear as an ant. When the document a few years ago accidentally leaked to the outside world, the EU-parliament is so serious in its content that a special report has been written on it.

We hear, for example, if an increase in the desire to ”let men be men and women women” and how women in our neighbouring european countries cannot be bothered to report the violence they have suffered, because there is a perception that it belongs to man’s nature to beat. We meet politicians who openly want to prevent the ratification of the istanbul convention, and prevent other reforms, for it is contrary to the gender of the alleged biological diversity and the creating ”unnatural” relationships between women and men – that is to say, giving women the right to live lives free from violence. We meet constantly stereotypes about gender and see how they are harming and shrinking people.

at the same time and very worrying is that we have a kvinnojourrörelse in Sweden and Europe, which is to implode. We are subject to the administration and licensing of a species that completely misses the nature of the business and the creation of knowledge organization we represent. The Swedish and the european kvinnojoursrörelsen is drawn into the administrative framework in which women lose the right to seek help anonymously and the unique feminist knowledge we have developed, which is based on the support provided in the meeting woman to woman, changed to terapiinriktade models of support provided by a professionaliserat society and private actors. Where the made the women to service users and objects change.

A report Roks have developed together with the researcher and lawyer Eva Diesen shows that the telling of violence in a custody dispute automatically put at a disadvantage. As a woman testify about the violence society otherwise recognizes as a widespread and a serious problem, is dangerous for the mother who wants to protect themselves and their children. In the end, can speech about the violence stop with the mother loses custody. Our report also shows that the social services do not rarely implements barnutredningar without even speak with the child, much less take into account the child’s own story. Joint custody is a norm that trumps all the violent deeds. Even when the father has murdered the mother, he is left as the children’s guardian in half of the cases in Sweden.

It is therefore no small thing for women’s and girls ‘ part when voices are raised everywhere in Europe, and Sweden for that ”men will be men”. If it’s a raw craze for the ideas of those who preach inequality.

the indignation against the ”feminists” are so easy to arouse. We react because the ideas, reforms, and activities that arouse such anger has made Sweden one of the countries in the world where women enjoy the most freedom and has the strongest rights.

This is, in turn, on the knowledge of the violence that was won by kvinnojours and tjejjoursrörelsen and feminist research. It involves knowledge of stereotypical könsföreställningar, that the school and the school is working with to break in rather than to confirm. It is about the critical conversation about porn that has finally started and on the Swedish sex trade law, whose prohibition of the sex trade has prevented a prostitutionsmarknad from to grow strong in Sweden. These conditions have, even Betkanyon if we have a long way to go, in a concrete way, helped to make life better for women in Sweden.

Not the least hotens strange mix of administrative interventions of the alleged benevolence and könskonservativa attack with open view to harm kvinnokampen is difficult to relate to for us. But it is clear that we are weaker and that strong forces want it.

We hope, therefore, that women and men in Sweden and to organise themselves in order to intensify the work to combat men’s violence and oppression against women, girls and children. We wish an active implementation from all the countries of Europe of Istanbulkonventionens provisions. We want a vigorous debate that challenges the heavy stream of könskonservatism that flows through our european continent. This conversation is brought, inter alia, in the jourrörelsen where our many active jourtjejer and jourkvinnor every day confronted with könskonservatismens violent consequences.

There is no doubt, however, that what we have taken for granted of the rights now under attack. We want to call for attention, a critical mind and a warm heart for the women and children. It is seriously now. But we are here and will always fight for a world free from men’s violence and oppression.