DebattÅSIKTKvinnor abused – even ekonomisktVänsterpartiet: Compensation for women subjected to violence must be increased This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: GettyVänsterpartiet want to look over the brottsskadeersättningen so it can be a financial compensation to women who have been victims of sexual and physical violence, writes Linda Westerlund Snecker and May Karlsson (V).DEBATE

DEBATE. The so-called kulturprofilen Jean-Claude Arnault also was sentenced in the court of appeal for rape.

the Attention from the media and the general public has been tremendous, with all the right. It is an important decision. Not at least tell the for women who have experienced violence and sexual violence that it certainly is possible to get redress. It’s not too late to sign despite the fact that several years have elapsed since the abuse took place.

Yet, there are still deep shadows where our all more awake awareness about men’s violence is not reached. There is a long-term suffering which usually neither is about the Nobel prize in literature, or apartments in Paris but where the violence takes place against a backdrop of loss of confidence, loss of capacity for work, and that the battered woman may not even can pay the rent, your phone bill, or christmas presents.

For there it is. In addition to the violence, in addition to the wounds on the body and the even worse the wounds of the soul, deals with violence against women is also about economic abuse.

Often paired physical violence and coarse insults to the woman to hand over all their money to the perpetrator, and then bean and ask for some pocket money. It can also be so that the man prevents the woman from obtaining an income of their own, or borrow money in her name, and empties her savings account. And when she makes purchases, which he dislikes, it is used as a reason for the next assault.

Research on men’s violence against women also shows on the loss of income due to sick leave and other costs incurred as a result of the violence. Even the children to the battered women are affected of course by the deteriorating economic situation.

A study from the Department of social work at Stockholm University shows that women who have been subjected to violence which leads to hospital treatment, have a weak economic position up to as much as ten years after diagnosis. The study also shows that all women who are subjected to violence leading to hospitalization, regardless of education, are at a greatly increased risk to get low income
and need income support.

the Party believes that it is reasonable that the state takes an increased responsibility for the deterioration of the economic situation, which often follows in the tracks of those who have been victims of men’s violence. One way to do that is to investigate the possibilities how brottsskadeersättningen can be developed to better respond to battered women’s real need of financial support.

the Compensation Aresbet should be based on the relevant calculations on what a våldsutsatt woman actually loses financially as a result of violence

today, there is a certain possibility for women who are victims of male violence to receive compensation through damages or criminal injuries compensation, but it is far from enough.
the Left party would therefore like to see how brottsskadeersättningen can work, so that it can be a financial compensation to women who have been victims of sexual and physical violence.
Compensation should be based on the relevant calculations on what a våldsutsatt woman actually loses financially as a result of the violence.
Metoorörelsen has shown us all of the need for far-reaching changes in society when it comes to the vision of men’s violence and sexual abuse against women.
however, even the economic abuse of women is made visible and recognised.

To replace the battered women’s of course. It is the least we owe them.

Linda Westerlund Snecker , Rättspolitisk spokesperson (V)
May Karlsson , Social policy spokesperson (V)

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