Supermarkedskæden Lidl kvajet and sold kyllingepålæg, who had not a Danish product information. It meant that one could not read in English, that the product contained ingredients that could cause mustard – and selleriallergi.

the Error has triggered a fine of 30,000 crowns from the Danish veterinary and food administration, even if Lidl have called the product back.

It writes the Jutland west Coast.

Had bought the aforementioned cold cuts instead, one could – if one is sprogkyndig – read about allergens in Spanish and Portuguese. The error has triggered a fine of 30,000 crowns because of improper labelling.

– On this product there has not been a proper English product information. It has been know that there is a product that is destined for Portugal and Spain. It is so come to Denmark and has not been taken in our random sampling. So it is, unfortunately, by mistake, been sent out to the stores, and as soon as they see it, we call the product back from the sales, said Lidls press officer Morten Vestberg to Ekstra Bladet.

See also: Danish discount chains must slow down.

He regrets that the goods have been sold without the correct product information.

– First and foremost, we are so very sorry that this error occurred. It does not live up to the standards we have, and the regulations to which we live up to. We work daily to make our paramount, that it is not happening and is not going to happen again.

– We have a strong focus on food safety, and we are working hard internally and improves the internal our procedures. We are also working with our external partners in a team effort to ensure that the incidents can be avoided in the future, underlines Morten Vestberg.

the Product with the name Dulano Roasted Chicken Breast Fillet was tibagekaldt in three flavors of Lidl even 12. november.

Fine on the 30,000 crowns were issued in a report from the Danish veterinary and food administration 13. november. It is issued to Lidls Danish head office in Kolding.

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