20 minutes.

So long should Tisvilde festival, Music in the Bearing last year to sell its 8000 partout-tickets, which give access to a weekend of beach, sun and music.

And enough is the festival popular, but it is far from everyone in the local area, which puts a large price on the large crowd, each July stamps in north zealand in denmark.

– We think they have become so large that they dominate the whole. It makes, we all cannot be here, said the president of the home-owners ‘ association for the Historic and the Surrounding area, Elisabeth Harpøth, to Ekstra Bladet.

the Association is behind a proposal submitted to the poltikerne in Gribskov Municipality’s committee for the Development, Town and Country, where, among other things, points out that the festival’s size has reached its limit.

As it lay on the half, it was also anchored in the city. We have therefore proposed to the municipality and the festival, that you might limit yourself a little, says Elisabeth Harpøth.

She points out, moreover, that it is not only the three days the festival lasts, that creates problems.

Across the square, where the festival is held, is more or less occupied in week 28 to 30. It is there, people are on holiday, so it leads a lot with him, says the president.

despite the criticism from the neighbors believe Music in the Bearing itself, that you have found the right publikumsniveau.

the Festival has had the same size in four years, says Peter Maarbjerg, vice-president of Music in the Bearing’s board of directors, to Ekstra Bladet, who also do not recognize Harpøths image of the festival’s ‘okkupering’.

– We do everything we can to we as soon as possible turn up and down. We can even clean-up, we are organising themselves, to the pedestrian street will be closed. We are doing everything we can, to the festival must be a sommerbegivenhed and not a load, he says.

Why have Music in the Bearing either no plans to reduce the number of tickets.

– We try to cater to all people’s wishes, but the totally radical reduction, as home-owners ‘ association proposes, we do not Bedava bahis agree, says Peter Maarbjerg, who receive support from the municipality.

– We will listen, but not to overrule, to Music in the Bearing has a great importance for Gribskov Municipality, says president of Development, Town and Country, Pernille Søndergaard (Nytgribskov), to the Frederiksborg Amts Avis.

Music in the Bearing took place this year from 19.-21. July, where artists like ‘The Minds Of 99’, ‘C. V. Jørgensen’ and ‘Kesi’, was on the program.