Is there a classic among drinks, it must undoubtedly be the Irish coffee. And especially when you deneme bonusu are in a country like Denmark, where the cold and darkness dominate in large parts of the year. Winter is just on the way and we are now in november, so it must be on its place to come up with the recipe for irish coffee, which the irish believe to be the best.

the Story says, moreover, that the first Irish coffee was served by Joe Sheridan back in 1934. It was at Shannon airport in Ireland in the 1930’s and 1940’s was a busy airport with much traffic between Europe and the UNITED states. On a particularly cold winter day in 1934, had a plane turn back because of bad weather. The chef Joe Sheridan, who worked in a restaurant in the airport terminal, was tasked with giving the tired, but also quite dissatisfied americans something to drink. It was late at night, so good advice was expensive and he took the freshly brewed coffee mixed with irish whiskey and sugar. An american passenger asked if it was brazilian coffee, to which the chef replied “It is Irish coffee”. Joe Sheridan shared with joy the recipe out, which sounded as follows:

the Cream as Rich as an Irish Brogue
the Coffee as Strong as a Friendly Hand to
Sugar, Sweet as the tongue of a Rogue
Whiskey, Smooth as the Wit of the Country.

the Drink was in 1952, a breakthrough in the Buena Vista in San Francisco, where owner Jack Koeppler began to sell it. In the morning, daily around 2,000 of their famous Irish Coffee to the guests from near and far.

if you Ask the irish, this is the best and most original recipe:

2-4 cl Tullamore D. E. W. Whiskey or an irish whiskey

8-10 cl Strong, freshly brewed coffee

Fresh, letpisket whipped cream

1-2 teaspoons Brown sugar

Heat an Irish Coffee glass by filling it with hot water, which is poured out again. Com whiskey in the glass. Add the sugar and fill almost completely up with coffee. Stir till the sugar is dissolved. Gently pour cold, letpisket the whipped cream into the glass, over the back of a spoon, so it floats on top.

Tip! Do not around in the glass then. You get the full flavor and duftoplevelse by drinking the hot coffee and irish whiskey through the cool cream.

2 cl Cold strong brewed coffee

3 cl Tullamore dew whiskey

1 cl kaffelikør

1 cl Vanilla sukkervand (boil 100g sugar/ 1 dl water/ vanillakorn from a rod together)

4 cl whipping cream

1 cl Aperol

Com vaniljesukkervand, cream and aperol in a shaker and shake it well through until it has a creamy consistency.

Getting coffee, whiskey and kaffelikør in a glass with lots of ice cubes. The heel of the cream-mixture over the ice cubes so it is like a layer. Server them.