MejlaIngvar Persson+ FÖLJÅSIKTElbolagen fighting for their vinsterMonopol for private companies affects consumers Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.Photo: NICK UT / APLEDARE

during the height of the election campaign and told the energy minister Ibrahim Baylan to the government thought to strengthen the rules for the network charges for all households are forced to pay to get their electricity from 2020. It was a very welcome announcement.

Now think about the electricity companies turn to the UNION to shoot down the new rules.
The electric bill we pay is composed of two parts. The price for one part, the charge for the electricity we consume, we can ourselves influence.

the Price for the other part, elnätsavgiften, we can however not do much about. The local power grid is a monopoly and the companies who own the networks have exclusivity in their area. As always when the for-profit company has a monopoly it tends to drive up prices.

Three companies own the most

the Greater part of the regional electricity grid are owned today by three large companies, Eon, Vattenfall and Ellevio. They have driven several successful court actions against the authority Ei, and the result has been higher prices for individual consumers.

the Companies claim that the money is needed for modernisation of the system. The authority points out how the yield has increased.

Baylans proposal from last fall was about to put a cap on how much utilities will get to charge their customers. The sum should of course cover the investment, operation and a reasonable – but limited – the return. Still, it would according to the government’s calculations could mean fee reductions of up to 20 per cent.

Want to raise prices

It will not, therefore, companies accept. Energy companies, which represents the network companies, intend to apply to the EUROPEAN commission to defend its right to raise the prices. It told the company’s general counsel earlier in the week for the SVT.

It is possible that he at last get the right.

In this case illustrates just why essential services like supply of electricity is not to be transferred to a private company that puts profits in front of customers ‘ right to reasonable fees.