The finns party Jussi Halla-aho to lift one for example, where the document states as follows: ”to resort to immigrants in detention only as a last resort and seeks to find options.”
Finland adopted on Monday in the Moroccan marrakesh in UN safe, organized and regular migration to the global document. Meeting of Finland was represented by minister of internal affairs Kai Mykkänen (ioc).
the true finns, Jussi Halla-aho estimates that the UN migration document to influence the Finnish legislation, even though the document is not legally binding. Jenni Gästgivar
the opposition party the true finns oppose the document, although it does not oblige signatory states to take legislative action.
the true finns chairman Jussi Halla-aho tell me, which party got acid reflux in the document.
Halla-aho to lift one for example, where the document states as follows: ”to resort to immigrants in detention only as a last resort and seeks to find options.”
I Not English can ignore even non-binding international commitments when drawing up their own legislation. At least those relying on the law of the processing stage. The european court of human rights, which anyway hobby legal activist, appealed, of course, all contracts and papers that support the EIT adopted the practice, when it solves a variety of migration-related human rights issues, Halla-aho said.
the true finns want Finland legislation, which, pursuant to a negative asylum decision received would be taken to detention until they leave the country voluntarily or until the authority removes them from the country.
the UN migration document is Halla-aho, according to the conflict with the party’s objective.
– There is categorical rejection of the detention, even if that detention is not done, is essential temptation factor for illegal immigrants. Such law reform, which would allow a more flexible and systematic detention, for example, a negative asylum decision for persons, change of course the consequences of such agreements more difficult, because one can rely on the fact that Finland is committed to avoid detention, Halla-aho of the reasons.
Halla-aho to lift one for example, where the document states as follows: ”to resort to immigrants in detention only as a last resort and seeks to find options.”
the finns chafe the agreement recorded in the objective, according to which signatory countries provide migrants access to basic services for users.
the foreign ministry published in the unofficial translation case is expressed as follows: ”we are Committed to ensuring that all immigrants can immigration status despite the use of human rights by providing them secure access to basic services.”
– the basic services will not be attached to the person’s immigration status, which sort of would oblige to provide equal services even to those who are in the country illegally. This has been at the municipal level in Finland already in a trend, but this will be the backrest for the international treaty system, which can be invoked, Halla-aho’s assessment.
the So-called GCM-document (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration) the final adoption of the UN general assembly.
no country can solve global migration issues alone. It is in everyone’s interest that the common issues to find solutions, so that migration should be controlled and equally the departure and transit countries as receiving us states fulfilled its obligations. An example of this is their own citizens back, Kai Mykkänen said the interior ministry in the bulletin.
”Finland decided to continue its external borders control and about who and how the country can be reached”, the ministry said.