So much raised the child allowance 1 march

the child Allowance was increased on 1 march 2018, with the entire sek 200 per child. An additional supplement at the checkout for all families.

the grant is located on the 1 050 sek per month.

Now it has been increased by 200 crowns per child.

From 1 march will receive all of the families with children a little more to move in and with the government’s increase of the child allowance.

the Increase is tax-free and applies to both the usual child benefit, extended child benefit. Completely child benefit lands on 1 250 sek.

if you Have sole custody, you as the parent the contribution, otherwise, be shared equally between the vårdnadstagarna. The child allowance will only be paid to carers with children up to 16 years of age, provided the child lives in Sweden.

the family Allowance with the new increase is paid out automatically from the month of march, no later than the 20 of each month.

this is the first increase of the child allowance since 2006 and a welcome addition in most families with children the purses.

the Government raises, however, is not flerbarnstillägget. It remains unchanged: