SP and SVP will emerge as the winner out of the large castle in a Federal Council . With the change of Simonetta Sommaruga to the environment, transport and Department of Energy (Detec), the social Democrats are now the two largest departments under their care. Alain Berset keeps the interior Department of the social insurance. But the SVP can be satisfied. Guy Parmelin changes after three years in the Federal Council to the economic and educational Department (WBF). The SVP is going after 23 years, the defense Department (VBS) and occupied with the WBF and the finances are also two key departments.

The Federal Council did, however, have a hard time with the reallocation. From the Previous reported already at the meeting of last Friday, Sommaruga and Parmelin the desire to switch to the Detec. Since Sommaruga’s eight years in office, left her Parmelin said to go first. With the change to the WBF, he was able to enforce the claim of his party, the VBS. Parmelin showed up in front of the media also with the Department of second choice satisfied. On the question of his Motivation for the Department of Economic Affairs, he remained, however, vague. He pointed out that after more than two decades, the opportunity to have commanded that the SVP could the VBS.

SP is the FDP, the debt

During the reshuffle was decided by Sommaruga and Parmelin, without a vote, the allocation to the two new Federal councilors by majority vote. The Disadvantage in this tug-of-war Viola Amherd (CVP), which must now take over against their will, the defense Department had. Keller-Sutter, who also expressed interest in the Department of Economic Affairs, the Department of justice (FDJP). The FDP Federal councillor hits out there in contrast to Amherd, after all, on familiar issues in the policy on foreigners and asylum. Keller-Sutter was to 2012 security and Director of Justice in the Canton of St. Gallen.

a shake of the head, the exchange of Parmelin in the case of the SP triggered. It was a mystery why the FDP, the Department of Economic Affairs price, says group chief Roger Nordmann. Keller-Sutter would have been the ideal bridge-Builder in a dispute with the EU accompanying measures for the protection of Wages. The FDP would have had it in the palm of the Hand to prevent the exchange together with the SP, dual SP-President Christian Levrat. “The FDP has the responsibility that, in fact, two marketing departments in the hands of the SVP.”

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A key role to play, not the foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis, sat Parmelins exchange. According to the research probed the SP government in the case of the two liberals, if they were to have a Veto against Parmelins exchange. As Cassis is not offered to such action of the Hand, the Plan failed. Thus, Cassis is not allowed, only that Parmelin accepts despite the modest balance in the VBS the WBF. The Minister of foreign Affairs, built his Mrs Keller-Sutter of the way to the Department of Economic Affairs. Because Keller-Sutter was not able to apply for your first session without the Support of Cassis, a vote on the allocation of the WBF.

The FDP was in a opinion, although pleased that Federal councillor with the Department of justice “a Central interface” ‘ll take it. For Group Chairman Beat Walti, the allocation is, however, still “in need of explanation”. Between the lines of Regret is felt at the FDP of the fact that it loses the economic dossier to the SVP. The new Minister of the economy Parmelin, the free-minded to write to the master book, he had to put the policy of free trade. Against this, the agriculture rebels, the Parmelin, as a former winemaker.

mild-mannered response of the CVP to

Even otherwise, the reactions were unexpectedly concordant, when you consider that the Federal Council has not distributed to the departments in Minne. The most reason to be upset, would have lands of the CVP, the only councillor in the infamous VBS. However, in comparison with the hue and cry, the SP-President Christian Levrat 2010 was organised, as Sommaruga, the FDJP had to take, the reactions from the CVP downright meek. President Gerhard Pfister was “disappointed” and complained to view.ch, the majority decision was not a good sign. But it had already. For the CVP, he sees no disadvantages. And instead of the other parties to attack, he left the VBS: After years of SVP-rule, the people there were “absolutely reform-resistant.” Thanks to Amherd the VBS now come, hopefully, in the 21st century. Century.

In the SVP, some turn up their noses because the Detec goes to the SP. The declared objective of the SVP was to prevent this. Significantly greater the relief that another party takes over the VBS. “This is good news for the safety of the people in this country,” says Nationalrat Adrian Amstutz. In the last few decades, the other parties and the media, security would have tackled political projects only, because of the SVP Federal councillor had been the sender. With a CVP-wife, he hopes for a release of tension and wider consent. The SVP support everything the serve Restrengthening of the army.

A special view on the things Elisabeth Schneider-Schneiter (CVP), which also wanted to be a Federal councillor. She is not happy that it came so far, because they would otherwise have inherited the VBS? “Not at all.” The VBS could also be an interesting challenge, Amherd could set new accents. And, most recently, Schneider-Schneiter adds, in VBS there is a lack of continuity. Because of the many head-change management is so powerful. This must change. Say: Amherd not to leave the VBS at the first opportunity.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.12.2018, 22:05 Uhr