the President of France Emmanuel Macron is trying to the liberation: in the face of continuing protests against him, he announced on Monday evening a wide range of assistance for workers and low-income pensioners. “I want a France that is worthy of its working life,” said Macron, in a televised address, which he delivered partly in a dramatic tone. He spoke of an “economic and social emergency” in the country.

The young head of state also acknowledged the error. Since his election in may 2017, he had not addressed enough to the Concerns of low-wage earners. Some of his Comments had been hurtful. In fact, Macrons is sometimes seen as arrogant perceived language as a Motor of the protests of the yellow West-movement, the high taxes and expensive cost of living denounces. France’s lower middle class makes up the core of the movement.

Macrons Declaration marked a turning point, because it means a tax and social – political change of course. For the head of state, whose Consent, have achieved low levels, the stakes are high: he wants to correct his Image as “President of the Rich”. On the other, a Blockade threatens him, if the crisis continues. Far-reaching reforms such as the pension system and the unemployment insurance, he wants to start in 2019, appear to be currently enforceable.

The head of state connects its concessions to the yellow West, with the attempt of a new political style. While the social partners so far, hardly any cover, he gathered on Monday in front of his TV appearance in the short term, the tips of the trade unions and employers ‘ lobbies. According to the Opposition, it is for a new policy, however, already too late. Left-wing opposition parties want to bring a motion of censure against the government in the national Assembly. The application, however, due to the majority situation, there is no prospect of success.

to be debated

In Each of the announced Macron, the minimum wage of about 1200 euros a month will rise in 2019 to 100 Euro. Overtime would 1. January of taxes and duties exempted. For retirees with an age of money of less than 2000 Euro, he took the much-criticized increase in social tax. “I want immediately is a real improvement will be felt,” he said. At the same time, he refused, he abolished the wealth tax. The President called on his country people to participate in a wide – ranging debate on the French Social and fiscal system.

Last week, he came all the protesters already. At that time, he waived the tax on the increase of a Fuel. The concessions made by tearing a hole in the state Treasury. Macrons government finds no quick counter-financing, France in 2019, the EU debt limit of three percent of economic output to exceed. Add to that the sometimes violent protests of the yellow West is a brake on the economy considerably.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.12.2018, 22:54 PM