Annie Lööf: We have received a skambud from S

”Löfven will now have a last chance to meet up with our requirements – otherwise, we are voting no.”

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. The social democrats have come up with a skambud when it comes to a series of political demands that the Centre party brought forward. If this would be slutsvaret will the Centre party to vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven. Despite this, we are prepared to take responsibility and provide S a last chance.

to the Centre party will vote no to Stefan Löfven in statsministeromröstningen required crisp, clear information to go along with the liberal reforms and centerkrav that applies to business, rural development, environment and welfare.

the Elections in september, that no natural formations have a majority in the parliament. Neither the social democrats, the current governing party, the red-green or Alliance has the majority.

the Centre has since the day of the election brought forward a number of proposals to solutions on regeringsfrågan based on blocköverskridande cooperation, where the Alliance holds together and avoids to be dependent on SD’s active support.

we have done together with the Alliance before the Ulf Kristerssons sonderingsrunda, in conversation with Stefan Löfven and when I had sonderingsuppdraget. All of these solutions have so far been blocked by other parties, not least the S.

the social Democrats ‘ actions during the two and a half months that passed since election day, has completely assumed that you yourself must have statsministerposten. S has not shown up any opening for another solution.

in Order to take responsibility and try to pick this locked position has the Centre party, as well as the L, has taken the difficult decision to consider the possibility that the release S, which regeringsbildare and the prime minister. This despite the fact that we are deeply convinced that the best thing for Sweden is a alliansregering with allianspolitik.

however, We are not interested at all to make it on the same condition as after the elections in 2014, where the S together with the MP and V has pursued a policy which in the long passages lack the support both of the Swedish people.

We do not intend to contribute to another term in office with higher taxes on work and enterprise, with a labour market policy that increases the isolation, a policy of integration that does not work, constant attacks on the freedom of choice and diversity in welfare and a policy that strongly inhibit rural development opportunities.

the Centre party has in this mode is considered to allow the social democrats to statsministerposten provided we receive a number of basic, liberal political demands are met.

There are no demands on ministerial posts, there are no requirements which cover the whole political field, but requirements that would make Sweden on the essential points would be developed in a better, more liberal and greener direction in the next term of office.

the Socialists ‘ response to The policy requirements is unfortunately far from adequate. That’s says to be prepared that during the term of office go C to the meeting on a few points is not enough. With the Socialists ‘ current input, the risk is too great that S will pull the issues out and not implement the structural reforms that are necessary for Sweden.

the Centre party is against the background ready to vote ‘ no ‘ to Stefan Löfven as prime minister. But we are ready to this week give S a last chance to meet up our demands for political reforms. It means that we need clarification from the S in a number of areas.

Sweden’s best needed liberal structural reforms on the labour and housing markets, the freedom and äganderättsreformer in the countryside, the crisp green ideas to reduce emissions and promote the development towards more renewable, tax cuts on jobs, enterprises and entrepreneurs, increased defence spending, better opportunities for family reunification in immigration policy and proposals for freedom of choice and a better health care throughout the country.

It is regrettable that the Socialists have not taken the opportunity that the Centre offered. We can’t stand behind a basically social democratic politics, garnished with a few centerförslag.

Now the question is, if S is prepared to clearly change their positions so that Sweden can get a stable and energetic government.

\nAnnie Lööf, party leader (C)

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