“Fröschli” is every step of the way. It knows almost everything, like a good friend. However, “Fröschli” is not a friend, but a little cigarette box large station. The “Fröschli” depends on Schulthek, on a belt or with a strap at the neck. The parents can remotely via your mobile phone at any time, where your child is.

The permanent location of the offspring on a map via GPS and cell phone network is not all that the device offers concerned parents. At the push of a button the child with the Tracker or Mobile Locator can be mentioned, such as the small monitoring devices also, four of the stored phone numbers to get help, and the parents can call at any time.

another feature is the Geofencing is: parents draw a kind of electronic fence around an area in which the child is allowed to move. It leaves this Zone, “Fröschli” Alarm. “I would use that with my children, never,” says Gregor Waller, a media psychologist and the father of two children in Kindergarten and primary school age. Children would have to solve in the course of their development, from parents and becoming independent, the Co-head of the expert group media psychology at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences: “The permanent Monitoring, however, results in the exact opposite.”

the parents, but the children of freedom: The Mobile Locator “Fröschli”. Photo: pd

Michael Free, expert psychologist and Director of counselling Pinocchio for parents and children in Zurich, would not monitor his children, “because they trust no healthy self-image and self-esteem can develop, if we are looking constantly looking over their shoulder”.

And also Xenia Schlegel, head of the office of the child protection Switzerland, is dismissive: “we do not support for reasons of psychological development. A child needs age-appropriate autonomy and experience, in order to reach a healthy self-esteem.”

“control means for the kids: you don’t believe me, that I can cope alone.”Eveline Hipeli, media educator

children need to feel that the adults trust. The only way you will be safe and responsible. “Control of mind means for you: you don’t believe me, that I can cope alone,” says media educator, Eveline Hipeli of the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich.

children should be allowed to boundaries and exceed test so that you can collect your own experiences. The Monitor will keep the natural curiosity of the children, however, only in the bridle. It makes them insecure, because of the fear of the parents is transferred to you and you have the Tracker remember, remember always, that in all dangers could be lurking.

Unfounded fear

the danger is that kids are lost today is as low as never before. “In the Canton of Zurich, we have virtually no missing children or young people,” says Rebecca Valves from the media service of the local Canton police, “most of the missing or runaway Minors to diving again after a short time.”

Even if the objective Figures are very reassuring for the parents a lot of bedrohlicheres image. This is because local media reports today, almost every case of a missing young people in Europe. So the parents get the impression that it would often disappear in children and adolescents. In addition, the social pressure is increasing: Even if the tragic cases of child abduction are rare, to have no mother and no father, to reproach, to have not done anything should happen to your own child.

For the GPS location may be missing the signals – and the parents are for no reason in a panic.

But by the technical limitations of the positioning systems, the security is deceptive. The search for the location of the child via the mobile phone network reveals only, in which radio cell a mobile phone is located. In cities with a dense wireless network, this can be a area of some hundred meters in diameter, in the country even a few kilometers.

For the GPS location may be missing in between, or in the houses of the signals. In addition, children are often forgotten such devices, you Deposit with the intention of somewhere in order to escape the control, or the battery is running out of steam – and the parents are for no reason in a panic.

Child privacy

With the trackers follow the helicopter – drone parents, writes like a mother on the Internet platform, “all Around Baby”, your children would even implant a tracking chip or no scruples, to install cameras and microphones in the nursery.

For media psychologist Gregory Waller this fits in “to the General Trend in our society to monitor more supposed safety of each other and personal information and pictures of safely using the Internet”. The adults forget that even the Little ones have according to the law, a right to privacy.

“You should be aware that the recorded information is stored somewhere in a data store.”Silvia boehlen, spokeswoman for the Swiss Federal data protection Commissioner

“A General need for security of the parents is not sufficient legal justification to monitor a child permanently”, says Silvia boehlen, spokeswoman for the Swiss Federal data protection Commissioner. The data protection act stipulates that a Supervision ratio must be relatively. In addition, it should be evident to the data subject, so that you can fight back.

In older children and adolescents Silvia Böhlen is recommended to inform in a transparent manner and to ask, whether you are with a Monitoring agreement. A child could say no, so Böhlen, you have to respect that. “You should also be aware”, warns, “the fact that the recorded information is stored somewhere in a data store, maybe even at a Cloud service abroad.”

Although most vendors advertise that the information is secure and not in the hands of data collectors can fall. But, as shown by Tests of test institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure information technology in Darmstadt, Germany, that the Tracker and Apps for hacking are easy to crack.

“Anxious, insecure children are more at risk than those that are well-informed and self-confident.”The Canton of Zurich police Department

in Principle, have all the experts understand the concern of parents that their children could make something happen. But just agree that electronic Surveillance is the wrong way to protect the young. “I consider it important to establish a trustful communication culture in the family,” says Eveline Hipeli. Gregory Waller argues also for the development of trust, which means however, in contrast to the technical solution, time for conversations, and the Settle of rules. “We let our seven-year-old alone to go to school, do with him, in which Radius, he may move in his spare time, and he needs to tell us which to go to colleagues, he” says Waller. “We give him an advance so that a large trust, and it is nice to see that he keeps his promises.”

Nevertheless, you should take all threats seriously, it means in the case of the police of the Canton of Zurich, however, prefer to be on prevention so that children are victims of violence. Parents should talk with their children about what they should do in case of emergency. The goal must be to educate children to autonomy, and to promote their self-awareness, because, as the cantonal police in their tips for parents and Educators, “fearful, insecure children are more at risk than those that are well-informed and self-confident”.

(the Swiss family)

Created: 10.12.2018, 21:24 PM