The accused Russian agent Maria Butina, which is accused of infiltrating the u.s. våbenlobby, has pleaded guilty.

It writes the CNN and The Guardian on the basis of the legal documents filed Monday.

Butina was in July arrested and remanded in custody, accused of having tried to influence american politicians through våbenlobbyen the National Rifle Association (NRA), of which she was a prominent member of the.

The 29-year-old Russian woman accused of having availed himself of his membership of the NRA to achieve contact with the leaders in The Republican Party and to the other american politicians and leaders.

She should, according to the charges against her have total information about u.s. officials and organizations, and have passed the information to a senior Russian official, as she afrapporterede.

CNN could Monday to report that Butina has already begun to cooperate with the u.s. prosecutor’s office.