(Mallorca): the Italian economy has stopped, but Norwegian salmon is a very sought-after commodity in the pastaens and pizzaens homeland, writes Finansavisen.

Since 2010, the value of the Norwegian direkteeksport of salmon to Italy increased by 256 percent, from 831 million to 2.1 billion in the year-ago quarter.

And the trend continues this year.

– There is a craving in the market for Norwegian salmon. At the end of september has direkteeksporten from Norway to Italy increased by 23 per cent. There is an incredible increase on the background of the growth we have already had, ” says hegelstad eiendomsselskap arvid b. hegelstad Eidem Gundersen of the newspaper.

Sushi and mushrooms

After nine years as chief of Salma-salmon producer Salmon Brands stopped Eidem Gundersen in march 2016 to be Sjømatrådets representative in Italy.

Along with the Norwegian salmon’s reputation is, according to the Finansavisen sushitrenden the major driver.

Sushi has become trendy and sushirestaurantene have popped up like mushrooms, especially in the northeast. There are over 625 sushi outlets only in Milan. (…) Salmon is the primary fiskeråvaren, and the italians will almost only have the Norwegian salmon, ” says Eidem Gundersen.

Only in the year he has according to the newspaper 10 million reklamekroner at your disposal which is used on TV.

Marine Harvest is great

at the same time, 57-year-old further growth potential in the south of Italy.

– Where things take a little longer. This is probably due to the fact that those in the south are a bit more traditional, so trends take a bit longer before they get root, but I have absolute faith that the sushi also will increase more and more in the south, ” says Eidem Gundersen.

He says the face On that among other Marine Harvest has its own sales organisation in Italy, and that the company was really big in the country after the acquisition of Morpol.

It also sold a lot of Norwegian salmon indirectly, for example via the smoked operations in Poland and Lithuania, ” he says.

– the Norwegian salmon is safe and healthy

On points out that the customs regulations make it profitable to rework the Norwegian commodity within the EU, rather than in Norway, and that a lot of export, therefore, goes to european customers via the EUROPEAN countries such as Denmark and Poland.

Only concern for Eidem Gundersen is according to the newspaper stories that the salmon is not healthy.

But the fact is that Norwegian salmon is antibiotikafri and produced according to strict rules which ensure that the fish are both safe and healthy. In addition, it is best if the price is predictable. One sees that the italians are willing to spend money on food even though they have had a difficult year, economically, ” he concludes.

Many people who save in this account should sell before the new year
Gjelsten has earned 400 million on the six months