In the ‘ 80s ruled, and even paradisiacal times for tenants. What was the Background for the “redevelopment area Chamissoplatz”?

The redevelopment area has been established from 1979 until 2003, formally. For one, there was urban planning objectives, such as the preservation of a large part of the residential houses and the modernisation of the apartments, for example, with Central heating and bathrooms. On the other, it came to social objectives: The Rent should remain compatible and remained the also, the modernization should be implemented accordingly. Through the use of public funds of more than EUR 250 million, these objectives could be realized.

What was the role of the tenant advice Spas?

If the residents could not remain during the refurbishments in their homes, there was a reaction within the regeneration area. Tenants were considered to be desired. In 1982, the tenants and the independent tenant advice to company Spas. Their task, among other things, the advice of the tenants – in particular the hardship cases, the communities, supply of housing, and the strengthening of the house. A displacement of residents could be prevented. We worked together with all the institutions concerned. Without bureaucratic obstacles, we were able to legalize, for example, illegal sub-tenant, we offer you an apartment. Even fractious WG members or couples, we gave at the time of replacement dwellings. These are facts that today seem a Paradise.

What this meant for the social structure in the redevelopment area?

The rehabilitation of the affected households had to lead to conflicts with the owners themselves, but we as a social planner and tenant’s consultants have done on behalf of the district. We have found a great deal of work getting the suitable apartment for those Affected. None of the rehabilitation of the affected households has deteriorated. In the time of the current country programme of modernisation, the rent was posted to the modernization of bathroom and Zentralheizug at 4.50 DM per square metre of gross cold. The renovation was completed, with the result that the original population remained. Beautiful, colorful, with different generations, low-income households as well as households with average and good incomes, German and Turkish-born residents – all of them were able to stay.

How is the Situation at the chamissoplatz today?

15 years after the repeal of the redevelopment Statute, much has changed. The houses of the private owners are almost all from the binding and some already condos. The conversion in home ownership has left large tracks. The tenants have the right of first refusal, the purchase prices have exploded so that it is hardly a tenant to acquire his apartment. Captive actions are on the agenda, what has been some Exodus from the area.

Due to the enormous rent increases, the original residents have to move, no possibility of change in the demand for Housing within the area. You pull away.

And how is the social structure?

today’s social structure is still colorful, but differently than in the past. On the departure of the original tenant to new rentals to affluent EU-foreigners or Americans who are happy to pay the high Rents more than ten euros per square meter, net – often follow, because they are compared to Paris or London at a low cost. A positive effect of the large housing stock of the Gewobag is to assess, this allows many households to live even 15 years after the completion of the renovation here.

Gabriele Klahr has been working since the mid-eighties, in the Berlin tenant advice. The gesoplan/SPAS-tenant advice still carries out in-depth consultations, and also for residents in the former kreuzberger redevelopment area chamissoplatz,. There, the tenants of the district to applications for housing eligibility certificate (WBS) for advice, housing benefit, income certificates in accordance with § 9 WoFG, ALG II for free. Also, the legal advice is free of charge.


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