Sweden faces one of the most intense political weeks in many years. On Monday, the S-leader Stefan Löfven submit a report to the president on how his efforts to get together a regeringsunderlag with C, L and MP goes.

the Answer depends largely on what the Centre party and the Liberals feel about the outcome of the negotiations.

its national executive and parliamentary group to a meeting in the afternoon, experience the TT. Also the Centre party has called for a blixtmöte on Sunday afternoon with both worker’s party and its parliamentary group, at an undisclosed location, according to information to dagens nyheter on Saturday. Annie Lööf will then tell you about the outcome of the government formation talks, according to sources to the DN.

According to the DN:s uppgiftlämnare it also looks like the S, MP, C and L can come to agree on some form of tax cuts.

the Meetings on the Sunday, surrounded by great secrecy and are made under time pressure.

Read more: C and L refer to the blixtmöten on cooperation with the Video:

On Monday, Leaves to report to the president, and may be proposed for a statsministeromröstning later in the week. The riksdag’s finance committee shall also finalize the next year’s state budget.

the pared-down transitional budget against a common M-KD-proposal, which right now looks to win with the support of The sweden democrats.

A defeat for the Leaves in the key to the budget being passed on Wednesday would mean great trouble if he manages to get to a government.

While the Leaves add an ab later, but within a month can not be changed. He is liable to get control with a M-KD-budget, with significant tax cuts, which seized on a large part of the scope he wants to use.

to get to a settlement if the government is now in the weekend, which means that C and L are prepared to vote with the government on 12 december.

But then C and L have been through a lot on their kravlistor. Where is the abolition of war, the height limit to pay the state taxes, loosening of labour law, step towards market rents and demand for more generous rules for family reunification, among others.

Read more: the Alliance’s divisions are visible among the voters