The evil goodness is threatening our small community

Jan Emanuel Johansson: We must dare to make demands on the population

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

I participated in last week in a debate in SVT Opinion if gängkriminella who received a luxury apartment with the cleaning lady of the city of Malmö, a service bought by a private provider.

It gave me a reason to think about how it might have been so here, how the community representatives in the form of politicians and officials in their desire to be good acting so that goodness, according to me, becomes its opposite.

the Reward system is triggered by to be allowed to give away things

the Facilitation of the reads we the people under the two management incentive system. We do things to serve on our actions or to avoid discomfort. In psychology, these management incentive system in the name of positive or negative reinforcement.

It has also been shown that the reward system is triggered by to be the one who may give things away.

If the social services desired more of the criminal action, is luxury apartments to the criminal wise

Research indicates that positive reinforcement, reward, drives our actions. When the individual (both humans and animals in research) get the reward, acting the same with to do more of that behavior or action.

So if the social services desired more of the criminal action, is luxury apartments to the criminal wise. If they want less of a criminal act, it is a bad thing. This research is not difficult to access and not far from what many would argue, common sense. Yet the act of our elected representatives and officials year after year and time after time in this way. They allow the goodness to do evil. Why? Who carries the responsibility?

In a political environment where the fear of offending has become the standard, dare no requirements set

Ansvarsbiten is formally with the client, that is to say, the politicians and the officials who ordered the service, the latest example of the luxury apartment and cleaning for the criminal.

But the underlying problem goes deeper than any incompetence on the part of the client, namely, the negative gain. The clients, the politicians and officials are driven by fear not to be perceived good.

If someone can be offended by the conduct, at risk of this also to be perceived as a person who is not good. If politicians and officials would act according to common sense and impose requirements on the criminals to stop being criminals and instead go and work if they want to be part of the welfare system, they would not be perceived as good.

In a political environment where the fear of offending has become the standard, dare no requirements. Where you risk losing your political position and thus your privileges if you go against the good power.

the only Problem is that this goodness is evil. It not only hurts those they are terrified of offending, those who can be vulnerable, they hurt the whole of society and are at risk to fail people.

the Basis for the welfare state is that the citizen makes the law for itself and not criminal. That the citizen does his duty.

If the citizen is instead of doing his duty, acting criminally and feel about a victim with the right to the passive support, and treatment with silkeshandskar to not be violated, strengthened the trend to fewer may sustain more – at the same time as the motivation to contribute to society will be less of those who do right for themselves through work.

Further research shows that they do not perceive themselves as victims, regardless of whether they were criminals or had other social problems, is doing better overall. It means that civil society representatives fear that the set requirements are not only damaging the foundations of folkhemmets existence, but mainly to hurt those groups and individuals they want to help.

When the society gives positive reinforcement for negative actions (criminals get the luxury apartments), and negative reinforcement for positive actions (making demands on the citizen or the one who has his residence in the country, regardless of their social \u002F ethnic background), research shows and proven experience of it is counterproductive.

so We know what is right, but we don’t do it. Fear, cowardice, and a naive desire to be good is the basis of this.

Should we save the welfare state, we must combat this unhealthy fear and cowardice of our elected representatives and officials and make demands on our population. On all, regardless.

\nJan Emanuel Johansson, Libertarian socialist and venture capitalist

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