The proportion of women in boards of Directors (BOD) in Switzerland is growing more slowly than in neighbouring countries. While in Western Europe the proportion of women in Supervisory bodies of companies from 2004 to 2018 21.0 percent, has increased, grew, the proportion in this country by only 13.3 percent.

commercial and financial lack in Switzerland to head inside. Female CEOs make up just 2.7 percent of all CEOs of large local companies, as this year’s Diversity survey of the Zurich-based consultancy firm Egon Zehnder.

Only last week, it was reported that, with the Alpiq group’s head of Jasmin Staiblin as of the end of the year, one of the few known group withdraws from the handlebars inside of your office. Will be replaced by a man, namely, of the Chairman of the Board Jens Alder.

Less the head of Finance, internal

With cutting depths of 2.7 percent, Switzerland is also behind the rest of the countries of Western Europe, where an average of 4.2 percent of the firms are the heads of women. The proportion of female chief financial officer, internal fraud, meanwhile, is 5.7 percent, versus 11.2 percent in the near abroad.

With views of the Directors, in turn, it was said, that, in the meantime, 37.8 percent of the surveyed companies had at least three women in Board of Directors. This corresponds to an increase of 10.6 percent compared to 2016.

So, the share is below the global average of 41.5 per cent (2016: 36.2 percent). This applies also to women in the Supervisory bodies of the company had hardly a senior Position.

2.6 percent, Chairman of the Board internal

Specifically, 2.6 percent of the Board of Directors, Chairpersons of women were in Switzerland, occupied. In addition, the proportion of women with a Committee chairmanship in a Board of Directors with 14.4 percent, significantly below the Western European average of 22.5 percent.

“the light at the end of the tunnel” will, after all, mandates for recruitment of new Board of Directors visible, it was said in the Communiqué. In the year 2018, 36.8 per cent of the new Board of Directors mandates in Switzerland had been occupied by women – clearly more than the global average of 27.0 percent.

Nevertheless, it is important to increase the ambitions and “to a target of a minimum of three women per Board, and across all levels of the hierarchy to work,” Simone Stebler, consultant quoted in Egon Zehnder in the message. (nag/sda)

Created: 11.12.2018, 09:32 PM