You know what is safe, when you need to drill into a drywall – I Wonder if there are electrical wires behind it?

Crack, I just check in stållægterne?

Or when you need to drill into the tiles in the bathroom: Where mon el-wires and water pipes located?

When it comes to drywall, you can often knock out forward to where the battens and evs. reinforcements are placed, but you can’t knock out power lines and water pipes. And bankemetoden is not precise enough, write the Master Journal.

So you might as well take the chance as it often happens. But then, when disaster strikes and hit electrical wires or water pipes, yes, so it quickly becomes an expensive pleasure.

Now, however, you can stop the guesswork and, instead, use one of the detectors in the new range of detectors from Stanley.

Highly accurate
Master Journal testhåndværkere have tested four of the new detectors and this was both appreciative nod and a little frustration out of.

As craftsmen read nor Master Journal testhåndværkere guides. The samples forward and even if the detector lights up and beeps, then it’s important to know when they do it and why they do it. It comes it a little frustration out of at testhåndværkerne, as the point of departure considers that it must be much intuitive to use the new tool the first time!.

The talk stops testlederen and ask testhåndværkerne, who now has found out, how the detectors work, to find, respectively, the electrical wiring, wooden laths and stållægter behind both the plaster and plywood.

It solves all of the detectors without any problems, write the Master Journal

The four detectors differ by different functions and måledybder, but the idea is that there is a detector for every task. So, before you invest you should make your needs up so that you can select a detector that matches your needs.

the Master Journal has been tested Stanley-the detectors S100, S150, S200 and S300

the Builders believe:

– Need to read the instructions

Highly accurate

– Handy format