The Parliament should be able to decide whether Switzerland agrees with the UN migration Pact. The national Council calls upon the Council of States. A final waiver of consent have been rejected by both councils.

The community of States has adopted the migration Pact on Monday in Marrakech, officially. Switzerland stayed out of the conference: The Federal Council stands behind the Pact, but has decided the outcome of the debates in Parliament to be seen.

Now have spoken in the councils, the Federal Council requested Parliament’s approval of the Pact. This enables the Parliament to deal in detail with the migration Pact, was in the majority. The Federal Council could discuss the impact of the Pact and how he intended to implement.

Not a definite no.

The national Council referred the proposal for a Parliament decision on Tuesday with the 121 to 70 votes in the Federal Council. The push for a definite no Switzerland, he declined to 104 to 90 votes in favour, 1 abstention.

The SVP and the majority of the FDP have already want to a substantive decision against the Pact cases. SP, Green and green-liberal wanted to leave the decision on the approval of the Federal Council, according to the Constitution, would actually be responsible for. In the middle of the view, the content of the Migrationspakts is unproblematic dominated, but the topic was sensitive.


The debate had led the national Council as early as last week, but he had to postpone the vote. On Tuesday the foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis said. No state can tackle the challenges of irregular Migration alone, said the Federal Council.

The migration Pact is in the interest of Switzerland. Domestically, no action is according to the Cassis needed. The Pact would guarantee the sovereignty of the States at the time of Migration. An international away from negative consequences for Switzerland would be comfortable and could damage the Reputation.

foreign Minister Cassis showed up ready for a possible implementation of the Pact and, more generally, the question of the division of responsibilities between the government and the Parliament in the case of Soft Law in detail.

criticism of the Federal Council

In the debate was criticised Cassis for his actions. He missed it, the Parliament in a timely manner to include, it was said. Therefore, there is a need for the extra loop in the Parliament. Marco Romano (CVP, TI) noted, because of the lack of political sensitivity of the Federal Council of Switzerland is now in an embarrassing Situation. From the left, the Federal Council has been accused of a zig-zag course.

the representatives of The SVP criticized, for its part, the contents of the Migrationspakts. This facilitates the Migration, they said. Switzerland could not agree to. The Elite removed themselves from the Perception of the population, was Luzi Stamm (SVP, AG). FDP representatives complained that the Pact was too vague and did not contain any rules for the distribution of the burden among the States. The Federal Council should the advantages and disadvantages clearly show, called Matthias Jauslin (FDP, AG).

criticism of the “lies campaign”

The Ratslinke accused opponents of spreading false claims about the Pact. Cédric Wermuth (SP, AG) spoke of a “Slander, conspiracy and lies campaign” of the extreme Right. The democracy is dependent on the fact that expressions of Opinion were based on facts. His Zurich party colleague Fabian Molina pointed out, no state could alone make a sensible migration policy.

Sibel Arslan (Green, BS) stressed that Switzerland met with the exception of one point, all of the recommendations of the Pact. Even if the migration Pact would be binding, would be in Switzerland no legal adjustments are necessary. Beat Flat (GLP, AG) noted that the Pact said that the international community had a responsibility to manage Migration better.

The migration Pact was approved in July at the General Assembly of the United Nations, nor by almost all States, including Switzerland. Only the United States were already off. Meanwhile, the Pact in a number of countries is controversial, including Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Australia, Italy, Bulgaria, Israel, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (nag/sda)

Created: 11.12.2018, 12:03 PM