The VBZ want to inform in the future, your passengers via a further channel through faults in the network: “”VBZ Alerto” delivers via Whatsapp or Telegram-Messenger information about restrictions in the VBZ network as a Push message to the mobile phone”, stated the VBZ today is Tuesday. So far, the companies holding informed the passengers ask about it. Or the passengers could hold by means of active Retrieval on the VBZ Website and the ZVV App.

Push messages to report the VBZ planned and unplanned Changes in Tram and bus operation, as a result of construction sites and large events, as well as due to events such as snowfall, pipe ruptures, or accidents. “The goal is that the passengers are always well informed and have the opportunity to, ideally commencing prior to travel to the event to respond,” write the VBZ.

The offer is for free, but still in the testing phase. In a first step, the subscribers to the service get all of the fault information in the VBZ area. According to the VBZ needs of the customer, the acceptance and the technical possibilities are to be clarified. An Expansion, such as, for example, the ability to filter according to lines, was planned in a later step. A first assessment will be done in mid-2019, the service is tomorrow, Wednesday actively.

The registration form on the VBZ Website here.

Created: 11.12.2018, 11:23 PM