the most famous Danish whale is Tuesday been opened by a team of experts.

During the autopsy led the team among other things, for a cause of death, and the arrow indicates that the whale has died of a heart defect.

even when the whale was cut up, they got themselves a bit of a surprise.

– the moment we opened it, we were almost all together and took a step back and clipped over, that the flesh had entirely the wrong color. Usually this is whale meat completely dark, tells the conservator Abdi Hedayat.

– the Flesh of this one was full, like a turkey.

Society – 11. dec. 2018 – at. 10:36 See: Here are the Hobro-the whale cut up

It is a symptom of the fact that the whale had not had enough oxygen in the blood, and it is backed up by the hjertelæge, who was on the spot.

– We had a hjertelæge with, that have looked at very many menneskehjerter. And when he looks at the heart here, so he can see that there is a narrowing of a main artery, says Abdi Hedayat.

– The observation he did with the heart, hangs very well together with the oberservation, we did.

He stresses, however, that they still are not completely sure that it was a heart defect that took the life of sejhvalen.

– No one knows as much about the sejhvaler, and the whole anatomy is not described, but it is the nearest idea of why it is dead, it sounds.

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It was probably a mistake on the whale’s 27 kilos heavy heart, that cost the life. Photo: René Schütze.

It is not just immediately to see, but Abdi Hedayat holds a hvalpenis. Photo: René Schütze.

As a genuine superstar took Abdi Hedayat in the morning and its ‘arena’ – a tarpaulin at the port – in order to dissect the beast.

Omkringet of the spectators he could in the course of formidaggen show the whale’s eyes, penis and heart forward to, especially the curious children who had gathered around the whale.

the Autopsy developed into a regular bloodbath, and as the whale was cut in pieces, went there from smelling of fish to smell sweet and rotten at the port.

After the autopsy is the skeleton have been packed together and must now run to the Natural history Museum, so it can be cleaned and exhibited.

Forventingsfulde children were lined up in a row to see the whale being opened. Photo: René Schütze.

this is How it looks when a whale is opened up along the backbone. Photo: René Schütze.


Earlier it is seen that whales explode when they are opened.