Roeselare is An operator of the company Soetaert-Soiltec from Ostend Tuesday morning in Rumbeke the fright of his life gained. His eighty tons of heavy funderingsmachine was turned upside down suddenly and landed across two lanes of the Highway. The man ran only what cuts, caused by the flying pieces of glass. On the Highway itself became no one injured: all motorists were able to stop in time. The N36 will remain until tomorrow morning to close in the direction of Izegem.

Employees of Soetaert-Soiltec (part of the Group Jan De Nul), from Ostend are currently working with stabiliseringswerken at the intersection of the Highway with the Kwadestraat in Rumbeke. That works are necessary for the future wegentracé at the height of the new hospital AZ Delta. In this path, since quite a bit of elevation to look, and therefore the substrate should extra be firmly made. “With a special funderingsmachine we place tubes with gravel, metersdiep in the substrate”, explains project leader Dries Vanhollebeke. “After leveling and the surface is packed tightly. We hoped the job done to get by the end of next week. But this morning it went wrong. Our kraanman, someone with a lot of experience, felt suddenly the funderingsmachine sinking. He tried the machine is still quick to stabilize, but it didn’t work.”