If you spoke with BVG people about the problems of the S-Bahn, they reacted with understanding: The System is per se more prone to interference, because different lines share common sections of the Route. In addition, the infrastructure of the S was exposed to train – with the exception of the Nord-Süd-tunnel – Wind and weather, what the technology would be used, it said. This unspoken resonated: “Can’t happen to us in the LPP.”

But week-to-reinforced week the impression that it’s happening, but Ten minutes Waiting for the next U-Bahn to the main traffic time, hopelessly overcrowded trains, technical problems, lack of information: While the S-Bahn communicates your failures, frankly, to see the customer on the Display of the BVG is only the part of a suspect long wait times. And in the Headquarters as a Declaration of change of failures due to graffiti on trains and changes of weather due to heavy rush of the speech.

After the passenger Association Igeb-the traffic club VCD now alert: an open letter to the BVG Boss Sigrid Nikutta, economic Senator Ramona Pop as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the transport Senator, Regine Günther (independent, Green) complained to the Association about two months ago, frequent problems and poor communication – and calls for “a program for short-term Operation stability,” the establishment of an external expert for vulnerability analysis and “proactive communication” with daily Reporting of failures.

slapstick instead of information

The criticism is similar to that of the passenger Association Igeb -. Their spokesman Jens Wieseke sees a lack of drivers for the new series of IK. He also laments the tendency of the BVG-line, out of sheer “Because we love you”-to the neglect of slapstick, the Information, and to deny the extent of the problems. The Igeb-calls for a daily reporting procedure and “the abolition of the habit, unusual trips do not affect the statistics”.

daily mirror people

Free of charge

For the beginning of 2019, the order of the BVG-Boss Nikutta in the SPD is invited to the group, to the members of Parliament. Company spokeswoman Petra Reetz confirms that there are bottlenecks, but at the same time, hope for a speedy recovery From the new model IK18 as planned so far, 68 cars had been delivered, a further eight would be expected in the next few days, and the remaining 32 as planned until April 2019, with more to follow later. The small profile (U 1 to U 4) cars, designed to relieve – some of them with tags for the broader large – scale profile (U 5 to U 9) – the network as a whole, but primarily on the U-2. The fleet was only because of years of lack of new orders scarce, but will also because of year to year.

At the same time, the SNB must discard according to the information provided by Reetz, more and more old trains: From the almost 40-year-old F-series 79 meanwhile, 44 of the 70 cars were stopped because of a hardly repairable cracks. Perspective will probably need to have the entire series out of operation. And in the case of the trains, pile up, according to Reetz, the Türstörungen, because the locking mechanism – in part because of Overcrowding, and partly out of selfishness of the Individual will always be blocked more often.

More about

the problems of the BVG and the German rail, The daily madness in the Berlin public transport

Sandra Dassler Claudia Seiring

That there is a lack of drivers, negates the speaker. If at all, were therefore a maximum of individual journeys, “and we constantly provide new staff”. All the wants to write the BVG also the transport club.