BIRMINGHAM (Dagbladet): – I sat on the train, and did not know what was going to happen. He met me at the train station and then we drove home to him.

So began one of the 268 victims in the second largest overgrepssak his story about the first time he and the defendant previously fotballdommeren met. Although he was 17 years old when the two met each other face to face. The defendant was in the beginning of 20-years.

the Offended person tell the not only did the fourth day that he was picked up at the train station outside Oslo on a winter’s day in 2016. From there he drove and the defendant to the residence where the former fotballdommeren lived.

Shortly after they came out, started the sexual abuse that was filmed.

We made around 90 films in 20-30 seconds. It lasted in five-six hours. Later, the movies were sent over to “Sandra”, tells the offended person.

“Sandra” was a false identity the defendant used to come in contact with young boys.

Love and threats

the Meeting was the first of two between the boy and the former fotballdommeren. But the contact extends far beyond the physical results. In the spring of 2015, when the boy was 16 years old, met him, and “Sandra” on the sjekkeappen Peaks.

the Contact is moved, and the messages kept on a large scale on other platforms. The two were the teen perceived as nettkjærester. Early on they began to send pictures and videos to each other. It should be the start of a more than year-long nightmare for the boy.

Performed nettovergrep against hundreds of boys – refuse to be a pedophile – Started with flirt

I thought she was nice, and wanted to be together with her. It started with flirting, but developed in the sexual direction. We were nettkjærester, but I wrote to the end of a long message that I didn’t want to do this more. When I got to the answer that “if you’re going to be like that, so I put out everything,” said the offended person.

Even he went to high school and was active in the field of sports when he and the former fotballdommeren under the alias “Sandra” got contact. Previously it has the right to come up how the defendant stole photos of a female acquaintance, which he used to create jenteprofilen.

After having sent several pictures and videos with adult content, came the first threat that they will be posted on the Internet if he did not continue to send more. The threat was sent already 1. may 2015. Then it was passed only eleven days ago they had sent their first messages to each other.

Aggravated assault

In the months after it alternated between solicitation and threats in messages from “Sandra”.

“If you send 60 videos, we have sex,” it says in the one. In another threatened it that if it is not sent at least ten new videos every day, will the others be posted on the Internet. Total send your teen over 100 videos to what he believes is a jevngammel girl. But it is only the beginning.

Found overgrepsofre in every county

Two meetings with the extensive sexual abuse takes place in the course of the first half of 2016. But tenåringsgutten meetings never Sandra”. Both times, it is the defendant, who presented himself as a friend of “Sandra”, that pops up.

After the last time, with physical abuse being the summer of 2016 set for good. Then, the contact lasted more than one year, and it is sent over 800 movies.

list of requirements

With his eyes fixed on the table, eyes occasionally closed and hands folded in the lap sitting, the defendant is the man and hear the story of how one of his several hundred victims have experienced abuse are physical and on the web. In court more and more shocking details up about how the defendant notoriously and purposefully went after teenage boys.

“What’s the deal with the young guys you add as a friend on Facebook”

the Requirements about what should be done on the pictures and videos came on the messages, often in the form of lists, and became ever harder. The victims were almost held in an iron grip, and several of them have been forced to sit up far into the night to send several videos. If they did not respond, came the threats that they had previously sent would be posted so all could see it.

– I got detailed descriptions of how the films should be. The face had to appear, and it should be said certain things. I tried to hide the face in the beginning, tells the offended person, who eventually got two options – either send the 80 videos or continue to a certain date.

I chose 80 to be done with it, but was told that several of them were not approved. If I had been mean or said anything wrong, counted not the videos yet. Some days I had to send up to 30 videos, ” says the offended person.

– Thought I was done

After several new months with the videos finally came the message that he had to find a buddy to make movies with. When he didn’t want it, he received for answer that “Sandra” be able to find one for him. His buddy turned out to be the defendant himself, and ended with meetings and physical assaults.

OVERGREPSSAKEN: So was the second worst nettovergriper and his hidden life on the web. Reporter: Audun Hageskal. Video: Ingebjørg Iversen. Show more

On the train home after the first meeting, so I was relieved. I thought that now I was finished. Then I got message from “Sandra” that it was good, but that I had to continue to send videos. I thought I was finished, but was really not there, then. A few months later we had to meet again, ” says the offended person.

Daily threats

In two years, police in the Eastern police district investigated the case. Earlier this week it was the details from the work presented in the court. There came the enormous extent evident.

NATIONWIDE: the Police found people who were exposed to the defendant’s nettovergrep in all counties. Graphics: Kjell Erik Berg Show more

At the most, he has threatened 21 people to send images or videos in one day. If everyone had given in to the threats, he had therefore been able to commit 21 assault on the 24 hours, said politioverbetjent and etterforskningsleder Vemund Edge Sæther to the Newspaper.

in Total, police uncovered the contact between the defendant and 15 000 profiles on the web. It is seized 1.1 million messages. On average, it is sent and received 1190 unique messages daily for over two and a half years.

The offended person in the case is spread over the whole country, from Agder in the south to Finnmark in the north. Age and language should have been adapted to the he made contact with. According to the police a deliberate tactic to the simplest possible trick them.

Assault after the custody

The defendant man was arrested for the first time 9. June in 2016. Then it was gone three days since the case’s first review was submitted on a sheriff’s office in Hallingdal. A teenager had been contacted on the Internet, and offered 1000 crowns for to meet and make films with adult content.

– Sent and received 1190 messages every day for over two years,

the Case was quickly moved to the police in Hønefoss, and your online profile to your teen taken over. The police managed to track down the person who had come with the offer, and caught the now accused man. After two weeks of custody, however, he was released.

After he dropped out, he continued the abuse, but then under the name “Henriette”. We see that they assumed the worst atrocities during this period, the milder conditions, but the frequency is the same. We have tracked down dozens of victims from the period when he dropped out until he was arrested again in October, told Sæther.

To affect the nettovergrep children: – Depression, shame, guilt, agitation, and extreme mental stress Dagbladet Plus