Annie Lööf defended januariavtalet to a packed Folkets hus in Umeå, where 600 centerpartister from all over the country have gathered for this year’s kommundagar:

– To support a government dependent on a xenophobic populistparti, or to tolerate a government that is dependent on the two liberal parties. We chose the latter, she said in her speech.

Centerledaren, whose confidence figures, according to the SVT/Novus has fallen by twelve percentage points since August, was greeted by a standing ovation of its own.

begin adding the formation of the government behind them and would rather look to the future. The picture is clear when talking with the locally active politicians in the corridors of the houses of the People. Months of negotiations have not been easy, but several centerpartister expressing relief that an acceptable solution to end the came on place.

Marie-Louise Wernersson, which sits in the regional parliament, is the chairman of the party’s municipal section, and the president in Falkenberg, says that the election, even though it was difficult, was easy.

” You should also remember that locally, there are all sorts of collaborations, to the right and left, with all the exception with The sweden democrats. This is nothing strange for a lot of centerpartister, ” she says.

Now there is an impatience to see the policy implemented, but the tone is cautiously positive.

” I hope that centerpartisterna here are as worried as I am: you want to know if the democrats keep their word, and if they implement januariavtalet, said Annie Lööf in the context of a press conference after the speech.

– However, I am also happy when I hear Stefan Löfven and his government ministers say that the focus is now on implementing the agreement.

” Yes.” I am assuming that he wants to have a good cooperation over the blockgränsen and keep what he has promised.

In his speech during the kommundagarna took Annie Lööf rooted in The strength of the local party hold and the controls in 19 of the 21 regions, and has 56 kommunstyrelseordföranden and gave his view of the long formation of the government; she commented on the harsh climate during the autumn, and that she had never met ”such a disrespectful hatred” in the past. The party leader quoted Michelle Obama’s ”when they go low, we go high” – ”when they are lowering themselves, we raise the us”.

would have been moving further and further away from ”compassion and the rule of law” on the SD gained influence, and ended his speech with to place into C:

” We are an option for all who do not want top-down socialism, reactionary conservatism or aggressive nationalism.

the Party finds itself in a new role as samarbetsparti to the government, while in opposition:

” of course, it becomes a balancing act. We will be a constructive samarbetsparti in budgetary matters and for that Sweden will get a better rural and environmental policy, but in all the issues outside of the agreement, we are in opposition. The government needs to be responsive, otherwise we will use the force and assistance that is available in the parliament as an opposition party, said Annie Lööf.

against a more normal working days.

just a few weeks away draws, however, the next election campaign started, and the EUROPEAN elections are also highlighted on the kommundagarna. On Thursday evening, spoke of both Annie Lööf and a number of female EUROPEAN candidates, among them Abir Al Sahlani, who stands as number two on the list, before the The. In the EUROPEAN elections will (C) lay great emphasis on gender equality, an issue that is important for C-voters, but that can also be used against the nationalist parties are growing in several european countries. On Saturday, EU parliamentarian Fredrick Federley speeches.

the Fight for the liberal electorate increases