On Friday published the Socialists ‘ list of candidates for the upcoming EUROPEAN elections. The youngest of the five sites considered eligible is 34 years old and the oldest is 62.

First on the eight place will be the first candidate who is younger than 30 years – 28-year-old Linus Glanzelius. The social democrats have five seats in the EUROPEAN parliament during the current term of office, and a åttondeplats is not considered to be a candidate.

the social democrats a congress that at least 25% of the eligible candidates shall be under 35 years of age.

– S is in an urgent need to renew and rejuvenate themselves. The loyal voters are dying, unfortunately. With that realization, it is the tondövt of the party leadership to ignore the will of the congress, which our party has. The party speak gladly about renewal and rejuvenation, but when it comes to the crunch they will deliver.

He thinks, furthermore, that the behaviour shows that the ”krisinsikten of the socialist party leadership is zero”.

– For the SSU does mean that we need to work twice as hard to reach the younger voters in the EU elections. The väljargrupp that’s in day attracts the least and which the most difficult to reach, ” says Botström and adds that the SSU will now conduct a personvalskampanj for their own candidate in hopes of getting him elected.

then when the new government was PROBABLY very critical of the new ministers reached a certain respectable age.

– the social democrats to be a party and lead a government that reflects the entire population, have diversity and want to highlight the new people with the ability to grow, then you were able to elect at least a minister for 35 years, said president Boström then to Aftonbladet.

the Youngest government in the Video: 2-the government is the 38-year-old minister of culture, Amanda Lind (MP).

DN is looking for the social democrats.

Here is the social Democrats ‘ list for the EUROPEAN elections