Why do we need “women for Wikipedia”?
Approximately 85 percent of the biographies on Wikipedia are dedicated to the men, 90 per cent of all entries were written by men. Now, Wikipedia is not just any Website, but the most important information side of the world. If you Google someone, first appears in the Wikipedia entry – or not. It is important to me to make women more visible. I don’t want to whine, but to influence it.

men dominated the story. Logical that there are more men entries on Wikipedia.
The importance of women has been and is being consistently diminished. As this is a male view shows? Recently, there was on Wikipedia more entries to porn performers than writers. The entries for the women are on average shorter, turning often, EMS, Private, killed mother – or wife-existence. Since ancient role be passed on images. The phenomenon of the elite hacking. So male Wikipedia staff Donna Strickland wanted the honor of an entry. Their scientific work is of little relevance. Donna Strickland is, you need to know, winner of the Nobel prize for physics.

What are the Wikipedia entries come from? What will be your next?
I’m not saying That. But there are some business women who deserve it. About those who have made it in the “balance sheet”-best list. And we will try to bring Dina Pomeranz again on Wikipedia. Our entry to the Swiss economist was deleted. To be of little relevance, we were told. This is incredible.

your own entry, you have not written yourself, or?
no. And I’m, frankly, not happy with him. (laughs) He’s a little short. You could point to, for example, that I as the first German TV-journalist in North Korea have been, others.

do you know the bosses of the local economy, moderated recently at the WEF. There is the urgency to treat women on an equal footing – to pay, not least, on an equal footing, of arrived?
not at all. The advances are equal to zero. Look at the Numbers. In the largest companies, there’s virtually no chief of the interior, of the 100 largest Swiss companies, four have a Chairman of the Board. “Advancement of women”, this means that the Swiss economy is still primarily “a Fig leaf”. There’s a lot of pink washing is operated. So there are companies that organise some kind of Gender – and Inclusion-occasions and at the same time #MeToo cases. Only because #MeToo it would be worth way more women. #MeToo is a huge reputational risk. And women in the Team to reduce it’s proven the Testosterone levels.

Certain U.S. bankers consider the opposite measures. You see, women because of #MeToo as a process risk.
Whether this is a Trend that cannot be estimated. The necessary Numbers are missing me.

Back to Switzerland: Why are there so few women in the business elite?
This is easy to explain: Because Switzerland has a wife hostile economic system. The OECD criticises us every year. We have an incredibly expensive care system, – not-a-full-day structures, the development of a permanent maternity leave instead of Parental leave for all… It is rational, unfortunately, is understandable, if Swiss SMEs at a disadvantage women – because they cost today, in fact, more and more often fail. Women are discriminated against in Switzerland. Actually, a case for the competition Commission: A market participant is systematically discriminated against.

are you in favour of quotas.
it Takes, Yes. And in the business lines and the management boards. A quota of 30 per cent would be reasonable. The quota would be temporary. It would be so long, until the Situation has been normalised and that women in these positions became a matter of course. And don’t forget that Mixed Teams bring the best results, the studies show.

The rate is a plan for an economic Instrument.
I am a liberal thinking man, and against quotas in principle, is also critical. But we have in Switzerland a coarser system error, to fix it. The rate is a suitable means for this. We need you now, nothing else changes.

you Are also in favour of a quota for TRANS people?
I’d like that, Yes. But now it has to go first, to give women, who make up about 50 percent of the population, the same starting conditions.

they stress, the media would shape our gender ideas. Could do, your employer, the Swiss television, and more?
The BBC has been trying since the beginning of the year, to interview an equal number of Experts, such as experts. She is also trying to leave in their Reports, equally as many women as men. I think we in SRF have a good awareness of the fact, but should take maybe even for the attempt of the BBC.

you can engage in for “Helvetia” calls, a non-partisan project that aims to bring more women to the Federal government in Bern. By Crowdfunding you want to collect 50’000 Swiss francs. What happens to the money?
I collect no money. I am invited by “Helvetia” as a consultant to the state of the advancement of women in the economy. My presentation in this non-partisan Initiative for more women in politics I have kept free of charge. I’m a private person, which is committed to the equality of women, occurred.

no longer is the Use of the women, when a man is elected, the campaigns for equal pay, nurseries, etc., as a woman, which argues consistently economic liberal, and for a family is a purely private matter?
This is to me ideologically. Women should be able to make any kind of policy, as are the men. And a Magdalena Martullo-Blocher to be as an entrepreneur, a great role model. She is a role model for girls, by makes it easy.

Can you imagine yourself a commitment in a party?
I was recently asked by a party, whose Name I will not mention, for a national candidacy. I have canceled. As an SRF member of staff, this is out of the question anyway. But otherwise, I see myself more as a Start-up founder, I need to see results and work freely. I have great respect for the long struggle to find compromises in Parliament. But to me, the patience was missing definitely.
(editorial Tamedia)

Created: 01.02.2019, 15:54 PM