Showbiz From Monday, February 4, sounds and looks Studio Brussel totally different. The station is undergoing a major makeover, or as they call it: a ‘reboot’. On the one hand, get a number of relatively new, fresh voices have their own programme and, on the other hand, big names such as Eva De Roo work for online series.

“Studio Brussels remains itself to the light and reinvention”, it sounds in a press release. “The goal remains the agenda-setting. Under the well-known motto “Life is Music” is music more than ever at the centre at Studio Brussel. The abrasive mix from the transmitter wants to surprise, with space for an in-depth musical experience and discovery in multiple programs, concepts, or events.” Further, the transmitter ” full multimedia in the further versnipperende digital world in high-quality online series’.

In practice, this means that a lot of new programs, which will be presented by some relatively new voices. So moving morning to Michelle Cuvelier; Linde Merckpoel is her place and will focus on a bi-weekly videos on its YouTube channel.

Stijn Van de Voorde makes the video series ‘Rock ’N’ Roll high School’ on historical events, the band. And he takes Thibault Christiaensen of the band Equal Idiots. From 5 april.