Career What a few plants in the workplace can do. People are less likely to fall ill and function better.

People find a workspace with plants more attractive than a space without plants. Plants provide for higher relative humidity, will contribute to a more positive state of mind, lead to more satisfaction among employees about their own functioning and to less absenteeism. That according to new research by Wageningen Environmental Research, part of Wageningen University, in collaboration with the scientific company Fytagoras, specializing in plant research.

Which and how many plants to a workplace need, depends on several factors, such as the size of the space and amount of natural light that comes in. Often the Graslelie (Chlorophytum comosum) as ‘referentieplant’ used to be the necessary amount of sheet to calculate, tells Tia Hermans, project leader at Wageningen Environmental Research. “Then you have approximately one per 2 square metres required, if you take a pot size of 10-12 inches.” the

The costs for the purchase and maintenance of plants within one year to be recouped. Mainly due to lower absenteeism and better performance of employees, say the researchers. Then, the investment in plants to understand money.