The strict view of constitutional protection makes the AfD, apparently nervous. Different is difficult to explain, that the right of appeal characters in the Brandenburg land Association, Jean-Pascal Hohm, abruptly from the party policy. The 21-year-old Student recently gave up his Post as assessor in the Board of Directors of the AfD regional Association Cottbus, his position at the AfD-Bundestag members René Springer he has to quit.

A suspected reason for Hohms finish: In the opinion of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution (BfV) to extremists in the party will be called Hohm several times. The Student had been entertained in his time as head of the AfD-Junior troupe “Young Alternative Brandenburg” contacts to extreme right-wing Milieus. He also met in October 2018 in Italy with neo-fascists. About Hohms sudden retreat had first reported the “Lausitzer Rundschau”.

Hohm said resignation with personal reasons

Hohm had declared his resignation from the Board of Directors of the Cottbus AfD with “personal reasons”, said on Thursday the Chairman of the County Association, Marianne Spring-Räumschüssel, the daily mirror. What are the reasons Hohm, did not know allegedly. Somewhat surprisingly, she came, however, on the subject of exclusion proceedings to speak.

“With the Instrument, you should be careful, think of the embarrassment of the SPD in the case of Thilo Sarrazin,” said Spring-Räumschüssel. In the SPD, two to the exclusion of applications against the provocative book, the author had failed, and in December a third-party application. Without Need, the AfD should not make “such experiments,” says Spring-Räumschüssel. On the question of whether the AfD is a process of elimination against Hohm talking to extremists because of his trip to the Italian law, from wich the party official, “no, that’s not what I said”.

The daily mirror had reported last week that Hohm is to be seen in the social networks on a photo together with a leading member of the party “Casa Pound”. The supporters of Casa Pound worship the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and rush against migrants, Jews, and homosexuals. Hohms connection to the Italians, which the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution in the appraisal reports to “test case” AfD about him.

“Programmatic proximity” to the right of the fraternities

So Hohm in August 2017 in the case of Twitter, a Video of the extreme right-wing Band “hate song” and the prohibited SS-runes covered have to be linked. The Federal office certifies him to be, at least temporarily, for the extreme right-wing Identitarian movement. Hohm is groups in Facebook, a “programmatic proximity” to the right of the boys and his support for the südbranden Burger club “future home” expressed.

In the demonstrations of the anti-refugee Organisation, is also quite extreme with running. The chief of the future home, Hans-Christoph Berndt, came at the beginning of January to the Congress of the Brandenburg AfD at number two in the list of candidates for the state election.

Hohms career in the AfD is now finished first. At the Convention, he had sought in vain for a place on the electoral list. In may 2017, he had lost after a joint appearance with a leader of the Identitarian his Job when the Chairman of the Brandenburg AfD, Andreas Kalbitz,. The point of the Bundestag members René Springer Hohm is going on now.

More about

opinion, such As the protection of the Constitution of the East-AfD evaluated

Maria Fiedler, Frank Jansen

His office confirmed on Thursday, Hohm have resigned “for personal reasons”. Here, too, there was no further explanation. Hohm was not in his reach, even his Profiles at Facebook and Twitter are deleted. Marianne Spring-Räumschüssel gives him the advice that he should first finish his studies at the University of Cottbus, “then he can reposition themselves”. In the next election campaign, – said the Head of the Cottbus AfD, “I do not need to Kalli”.