In the ongoing power struggle between the government of the socialist heads of state, Nicolás Maduro, and his Challenger Juan Guaidó in Venezuela has issued to the leader of the opposition new mediation attempt to a cancellation. “The crisis in Venezuela cannot be solved with a dialogue,” said the self-appointed interim President on Thursday in an Interview on the Mexican channel Milenio TV.

negotiations between Maduro and the Opposition had already failed in 2017 in the Dominican Republic. Mexico and Uruguay were recently invited to an international conference to lay the Basis for new talks between the government and the Opposition. Guaidó said he will not attend the Meeting in Montevideo. “Maduro is a dictator,” said the 35-Year-old in an interview with the Colombian channel NTN24. “When he speaks of dialogue, he wants to gain time.”

On the diplomatic parquet scored against President among its other successes. The EU Parliament acknowledged it on Thursday, as the legitimate transitional head of state of the South American country. Germany and several other European countries have provided Maduro with an Ultimatum until Sunday to free and fair elections. Otherwise, you want to recognize Guaidó as the United States and a number of Latin American countries as the legitimate interim head of state.

Also decided the EU member States should support the establishment of a contact group, the efforts to ensure democratic elections in Venezuela. The group of European and Latin American countries should play no official role of mediator between the political opponents, said EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini.

Courting EMS military

The 35-year-old Parliament chief Guaidó had on 23. January as interim President swear in and Maduro so openly challenged. The socialist state may include-in-chief to the support of the powerful military. However, Guaidó tried for days to pull the armed forces to his side. Among other things, he promised the soldiers, impunity, if they support him.

Also, Maduro wants to insure the loyalty of the soldiers. In the past few days, he showed himself more and more frequently in military exercises or in the circles of soldiers. In his Speeches he warned of a U.S. military invasion in Venezuela and called for the defense of the Fatherland. From Washington, it was said recently, given the crisis in the South American country, all options were “on the table.”

Guaidó rejected the military aid of the USA when you try to take over the government as undesirable, but not completely. “Here in Venezuela we are doing everything we can to pressure not build up, so that there is a scenario that nobody wants,” said Guaidó on Thursday (local time) in an Interview with US broadcaster CNN on the question of whether U.S. military aid would accept.

police visit to home

The United States had recognized Guaidó the first country directly after his swearing-in last week as the legitimate head of state, and the pressure on Maduro further increased. Most recently, she gave Guaidó even access to accounts of the Venezuelan government in the United States.

On Friday, US Vice-President Mike Pence should come in Miami, in exile Venezuelans. He wanted to speak with former political prisoners and representatives of the people had been forced out due to political persecution to flee from their homeland, about the situation in Venezuela, informed the office of Pence.

While Guaidó spoke on Thursday at a University in Caracas about his Plan for the future of the country, paid police officers of a special unit in his house a visit. The officials should have asked the porter to his wife. His little daughter was at the time at home. “They want to intimidate me,” said the leader of the opposition. “What don’t you understand: The game has changed. We are determined and will not give up.” (Dec/sda)

Created: 01.02.2019, 08:47 PM