“Statins effective – even for older”

“cholesterol lowering drugs reduce the risk for heart attack or stroke. Even if the patient in question is old.”

“cholesterol lowering drugs, called statins, reduces the levels of it”

“in Order to bring clarity, the australian researchers analyzed the 28 controlled studies where participants had been randomly assigned to different treatment options. The analysis, published in the journal The Lancet, shows that even if the effect is slightly smaller, so has older patients the great benefit of these drugs.”

“For all patients, regardless of age, decreased the medication is the risk of a heart attack by one fifth for each 1 mmolu002Fml (millimoles per liter) LDL-cholesterol decreased in the blood. For patients under 55 years of age reduced the risk by 30%, while the decrease for patients 75 years or older was 20%.”

“the Point, the researchers write, is that statins are effective – even for the elderly.”

“– Statins are useful and cheap medications that reduce the number of heart attacks and stroke in older patients. Up to now, there has been a bevislucka and we wanted to investigate their efficacy and safety among elderly patients, says one of the researchers behind the study, Jordan Said, to the journal.”

“Swedish research has recently shown that high cholesterol levels are dangerous even for older, why older people should continue to eat their cholesterol lowering medications.”

“Stroke, or apoplexy as it was previously known, occurs in two forms: brain infarct or thrombosis, and cerebral hemorrhage.”

“the Stroke comes in third place among causes of death in Sweden, after heart disease and cancer. Each year suffer approximately 30 000 swedes of the disease, which is also the most common reason for ltc needs.”

“Strokes often lead to paralysis, speech disorders, vision loss and personality changes, sometimes also dementia.”

“a heart attack means that one or more of the vessels that supply blood to the heart förstoppas, usually by a blood clot, and the heart can suffer from lack of oxygen with tissue death as a result.”