A 25-year-old man Thursday was sentenced to 30 days of unconditional prison by the court in Glostrup, after he returned in april 2017 endangered the social democrat politician Lars Aslan Rasmussen.

the Threats fell as a comment on a Facebook lookup from Lars Aslan Rasmussen.

Lookup referred to a forfatningsafstemning in Turkey.

In Facebook-the advertisement called for turks living in Denmark, that advocated for the constitutional change to move back to the Tyrket.

It was the now convicted 25-year-old man to the keys.

In a comment, he responded, ‘hello, you know not a damn thing your bum it is you who is a hypocrite, you bastard breaks your arms and legs, I swear’.

It is far from the first time Lars Aslan Rasmussen is being threatened on social media. For years he has been critical of the regime in Turkey and, in particular, the Turkish president Recep Yayyip Erdogan and according to the politician, it is strongly supported by the president, by threatening and harassing him.

– There are others than me who are experiencing the here harassment from Erdogan supporters in Denmark. Therefore, it is good to see that threats like these have consequences. I encourage everyone who is experiencing similar to report it to the police, ” says Lars Aslan Rasmussen to the Extra Blade on top of the judgment.

He was although present in court today as the verdict fell. For the first time he came face to face with one of the persons, who regularly writes nasty messages to him.

– The worst thing was that he was younger than me. I was hoping it was an old man at my father’s age. So the problem would disappear relatively quickly. But it is scary to think that when I write something critical about a leader in Turkey, as it is a Danish born, with Turkish roots, who are threatening me with violence at the other end.

Also on Facebook expresses Lars Aslan Rasmussen its satisfaction with the verdict.

the prosecution service are you satisfied with today’s verdict.

– With the verdict, we are sending a strong signal to those who are debating on the social media. We tolerer not this kind of threats. They are dropped against an elected official is only an aggravating circumstance, says specialanklager Morten Frederiksen for Extra Magazine.

– You have to think about what to write, and it shows the judgment on 30 day unconditional prison also. It is not without consequence to write the slagsting.

The 25-year-old man is now considering whether to appeal against the verdict.

In 2016, the criminal law was amended in connection with the government’s so-called respektpakke.

It was made an aggravating circumstance, if there were threats made against persons, who perform “public service or office”. The formulation also includes politicians.