“Swedish Emma, 24, in the midst of us extremkylan”

“Polarvirveln – the polar vortex – gives rekordköld in the U.S.”

“Swedish Emma Grimm must keep the four month old son indoors – otherwise he förfrysa in less than a minute.”

“It felt like 49 degrees when she woke up at home in Minnesota in the united states.”

“– as soon As you open the door, it hurts if not all skin is covered, ” says 24-year-old.”

“A dozen people have died in the vinterovädret Jayden which is located over the central states in the united states. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel called the cold ”

“Polarvirveln – the polar vortex – with rekordkalla temperatures, which affects more than 50 million people. “

“One of these is the Swedish Emma Grimm, 24, who lives with her husband, Ben, 23, in the city of Duluth in Minnesota. “

“– as soon As you open the door, it hurts if not all skin is covered, ” she says.”

“When she woke up on Thursday morning showed the thermometer to minus 34, but the winds makes it feel like 49 degrees below zero.”

“It is not a regular storm, but Emma Grimm describes it as icy vindpustar which will then and then and vädermyndigheten NWS warns of life-threatening wind chill. “

“Her four-month-old son may not live outdoors. “

“He has been inside for three days, they have warned on the news that children under one year may not be outdoors they can get frostbite in less than a minute,” says Emma Grimm.”

“– It is a bit scary to go out, you do not understand how cold it actually is. It is easy to underestimate how fast it can go and it’s scary.”

“Self, she can’t even get to the car.”

“– It stands in a garage and garageöppnaren does not work, says Emma Grimm.”

“The last few days, the city has largely stood still.”

“– There are many people who have to stay home from work because the cars will not start. Many places close down because they do not want their arnställda, the schools have to close down because they do not want children to wait on the bus outside, ” says Emma Grimm.”

“– Everything has been closed the past two days, my old college have been closed, all of the high schools have been closed.”

“Already two weeks ago warned the authorities for the cold weather. “

“– They warned of the cold that will sweep over the whole country. They said to us in the extreme areas – we are in the midst of one of them – ”you should keep you inside so try to plan”. It has been on tv and in social media, yes everywhere, ” says Emma Grimm. “

“on Thursday, it will be slightly warmer than Wednesday with rekordkall in some places. This weekend is expected to extremkylan drop, according to the NWS.”