Egypt was until some years ago known as a party paradise for the european tourists.

But the ancient egyptians knew also, doubtless, how you partied through.

The witnesses of a new archaeological discoveries in the north african country namely on.

in Addition to the wild eyeliner, beautiful hovedbeklæning and bracelets of gold, so archaeologists have unearthed a 2000 year-old wine cellar in the Nile delta area near Cairo.

It recounts Egypt’s Antikvitetsministerie on their facebook page.

the Archaeologists have dug at Tel Com all Trogy, as the area is called where they have found ancient storage room.

the egyptians were unable to drink all of the compartments in the content, it is difficult to predict the. However, there was no wine left to find in the vinkældrene.

According to Dr. Ayman Ashmawy, head of the Antique Antiques, was the wine in the area known for its good quality, and it is said that it was the finest wine in the graeco-roman period, which ran from Egypt’s fall to Alexander the Great in the 4. century f.Kr. to the islamic conquest in the 7th. century e.Kr.

the Grape that was used, also had to be a distant relative to pinot noir-the grape.

the Walls of the vinkældrene was according to the ministry, built of thick bricks made of mud, where, between, were deposited the limestone in order to manage the temperature.