today, the 20-year-old Simona Duffekova from Slovaket again got a little sul on the body. But just three years ago, when she was 17 years old she suffered serious anorexia and weighed only 44 pounds. There were even times when her heart stopped beating for up to five seconds. Simona was so thin that her mother thought she looked like something from zombie tv series ’the Walking Dead’, and when Simona finally got the eyes up for his sickness, and saw himself in the mirror, she could see that she looked like a zombie.

It tells Simona Duffekova to media-agency Media Drum World.

below you can see how Simona looks in the day.

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Simona has scored more sul on the body and is starting to eat normally again. (Photo: Media Drum World)

Simona Duffekova has also narrated about his disease history on instagram, where she has posted more before – and after-images, which clearly shows how thin she really was, since she suffered from anorexia.

On instagram, writes Simona for a before – and after-image, among other things, the following:

‘Now there is something to sit on. It looks like, of course, still not a perfect backside as well as leg from a bikini fitness girl. But it is something better than before. My leg now looks like ben. And they are operational. I can jump and run. I can do so many things that I could not do before. Completely honest. I am not satisfied. I hope, however, that I don’t get the reason to be embarrassed, when I for the summer must be dressed in bikini.’, write Simona and continues:

‘But I’m proud. I got rid of the stupid thoughts that I used to have every day, every hour, every minute. I have learned to eat well, and counting my calories properly. Food is no longer a problem for me. But most important of all. I’m enjoying life again’.

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In the posted the photo on the right side yesterday and didn’t realize that it shows the progress which I did In last few months the Photo on the left page shows how did I look In December 2016, when my weight was about 46kg. Thanks to IIFYM and people standing by my side (especially my mom ), who gave me some advice or supported me, many of them here on Instagram, but mainly thanks to my will I reached what I wanted and recovered from an eating disorder I almost forgot that I’ve ever been that skinny girl on the left photo, I found balance that I’ve been searching for and got rid of my inner demons which scared me for almost a year I’m happy and I’m proud, ‘cause I’ve proved that recovery is possible, Everything is possible, you just can’t give up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keď as postla fotku vpravo, ani as si nejako neuvedomila, že okrem mojej aktuálnej my () zobrazuje táto fotka môj progres za posledných pár mesiacov Fotka vľavo je z decembra 2016, keď as mala asi 46kg. Vďaka IIFYM a ľuďom (najmä mojej mami ), ktorí stáli pri ubject, poradili mi alebo ma podporili, mnohí z nich aj tu na Instagrame, ale neskromne poviem, že hlavne vďaka svojmu vlastnému “will” as sa dostala na úplne novú úroveň a akoby as a thank you trochu (úplne ) zabudla, že as niekedy vôbec bola two dievča vľavo. Moje myslenie sa zmenilo zo všetkého úplne najviac, našla as si ten balans, o ktorom as si vtedy myslela, že ho already mám a zbavila as sa tých “inner demons”, ktorí ma v this období pekne potrápili Niekedy as mala pocit, že sa two nedá, ale teraz nielen sama sebe dokazujem, that much sa naozaj všetko, stačí iba chcieť ☺ #nevergiveup and always keep going A inak…ak by si niekto chcel prečítať môj, ale aj zopár ďalších príbehov o tom, že #IIFYMfunguje a mení životy, mrknite na nový článok od @fitcult (link v mojom bio) . . . . #transformation#progress#progresspicture#recovery#realrecover#anorexiarecovery#edrecovery#motivation#inspiration#ana#iifym#eatingdisorderrecovery#edfree#healthy#fitness#fit#fitfam#fitgirl#strongnotskinny#strongissexy#foodisfuel#staystrong#positive#positivevibes#strong#crossfit#crossfitgirl#fitbody

A spread shared by Simona (@simona_duffekova)

Simona Duffekova’s medical history with anorexia started when she as a 17-year-old participated in a local obstacle race by the name of Spartan Race, where she fell from an obstacle and broke his leg.

because of the injury she could not play sports and go in fitness-centre and feared that she would be fed. Therefore, lowered her calorie consumption to just 900 calories a day, which got her weight down to a scary 44 kilos.

Because of the broken legs were healed continued Simona, however, its sleek hysteria.

– I banned the continue myself to eat more than 900 calories a day, and I trained in a fitness center seven times a week, tells Simona to the Media Drum World.

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Here is Simona photographed from behind, while she suffered from anorexia. (Photo: Media Drum World)

At the beginning of the process was Simona compliments for his weight loss, and it spurred her to smoke even longer out in the dangerous anorexia-universe, both psychologically and physically. She wanted to be loved.

But as time went on, began the young girl to get problems with his heart, that in between stopped beating for up to five seconds. Simonas mother took her daughter to the doctor, and here she was diagnosed with the disease anoreksia and got a recommendation to a psychiatrist. But Simona insisted that she would heal itself.

Simona was convinced that she had understood the seriousness associated with his illness. She changed gradually his eating habits and began eating more on a daily basis, and she also began to work to change his understanding and his view of his body. Simona explains short and good, that she learned to love himself. She admits, however, that it was a difficult journey.

today, feel Simona completely healed, and weighs 51,25 kilos. She can still easily take a few more kilos on. Simona tells that today she ingests daily 2120 calories per day and follow a special diet. She goes to the fitness center five times a week and also grow yoga.

– I have finally found a balance in my life. And I have learned to see the positive in my situation. In fact, I have become a more balanced and positive human being with the greater confidence because I overcame my anoreksia disease.

How to see Simona in the present day. And she even says that she has learned to love himself. (Photo: Media Drum World)

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There’s something to sit on, It definitely doesn’t look like a perfect #booty and legs of some bikini fitness competitor , but it’s a bit better than before, My legs look like legs ✔ and they are so…functional I can do my always beloved squats In can jump and run , I can do so many things that I couldn’t do before Honestly, I’m not satisfied I hope there won’t be reason to be ashamed of wearing a bikini in the summer and I’m decided to work on myself even more But I’m proud – I got rid of stupid thoughts, which I used to have every day, every hour, every minute I’ve learnt how to eat well, how to count calories right, food is no more problem for me and what’s the most important – I started to enjoy my life again #foodisfuel . . . #anorexia#anorexiarecovery#ed#edrecovery#eatingdisorderrecovery#ana#edfamily#edfree#me#progress#progresspicture#iifym#iifymgirls#flexibledieting#strongnotskinny#healthy#realrecovery#recovery#motivation#inspiration#positive#positivevibes#nevergiveup#fitcult#gains#muscles#workout#IIFYMfunguje

A spread shared by Simona (@simona_duffekova)

Simona dry now again to go on the beach wearing a bikini. (Photo: Media Drum World)

Here you can see Simona in her very skinny period. (Photo: Media Drum World)

– Exceptionally thin. (Photo: Media Drum World)

Simonas mother is very proud that her daughter has overcome the disease. (Photo: Media Drum World)