Thursday, 31.1.: The “Sea Watch 3” has now been created in the port of Catania, the 47 refugees can go to the country. After that, the ship is supposed to Libya to immediately return to the area of operation off the coast. It is currently the only civilian rescue vessel in the Region. In the course of February, the German NGO Sea wants to join Eye.

Since the beginning of the year, it managed civilian rescuers only three Times to take Drowning on Board. This is because you then each of days is denied, a safe port, although this would be in accordance with international law of the sea, its duty. Therefore, the ships must navigate with the refugees on Board aimlessly around the Mediterranean at this time you are outside the actual area of use and are virtually incapacitated. With the tactics it is possible in particular Italy and Malta, currently, the rescue work to hinder the civilian helpers.

Wednesday, 30.1.: According to an agreement with six other EU countries, Italy has given the 47 refugees on Board the “Sea-Watch 3” permission to go ashore. Alongside Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Romania, Malta and Luxembourg have agreed to be part of the boat refugees. The “Sea-Watch 3” had saved from a week and a half, the 47 refugees in the Mediterranean sea. In the past few days, the ship was located in front of the Sicilian city of Syracuse in front of an anchor.
“We are pleased for our guests, that the ordeal is now coming to an end, but it’s a shame, remains of the day for Europe”, – quotes the news Agency EPD, the “Sea-Watch”-Chairman John Bayer in Berlin. “Human rights are not negotiable and people should not be filed.”

Previously, the European people had committed a legal court Italy, to provide the Rescued on Board for twelve days, blocked “Sea-Watch 3” with food, water and medical.

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Our editor Stephan-Andreas Casdorff has written, why the cooperation of the EU with the so-called Libyan coast guard is unacceptable.

Sunday, 27.1.: The New York Times shows in a 16-minute Video of a concrete example of how the so-called Libyan coast guard people intentionally drowned and civilian aid workers threatened with death. If you prefer German subtitles, you can watch the Video for English.

The German aid organization, the Sea-Eye wants to support with your ship “Professor Albrecht Penck” in February is already on the Mediterranean sea, and the Sea-Watch-3. There is a need for Volunteers to go on Board.

Thursday, 24.1.: The storm, the Sea-Watch 3 fights for hours, now has a seven-Meter-high waves, rain and icy Wind. This is the Team of the ship, wrote on Thursday evening on Twitter. And closed the call: “Europe, we need a safe port”. The Italian Minister of the interior Matteo Salvini affirmed in spite of the dramatic situation on the lake, that the ports are closed its country for the rescue ships. “No one will get off in Italy,” said Salvini. (with AFP)

The storm wind has reached a speed of at least 110 kilometres per hour. The Sea Watch is to the North and seek protection near the coast, is located 40 kilometers East of Sicily. The journey of the ship you can track in real-time. Ruben Neugebauer, spokesman of the Sea-Watch, a rating in the Germany radio of the impending end of the EU Mission to Sophia and reports from merchant ships, the refuse Save in the case of an emergency.

excerpt from the Video of the New York Times.Screenshot: NYT

Wednesday, 23.1.: The Sea-Watch 3 continues to wait for permission, a safe Harbor control to let the 47 Rescued in the country. Requests to Italy and Malta, have not yet been answered simply. Now the weather conditions deteriorate: In the next few days, five meters are expected to be high waves.

Doctors without borders criticises the fact that in just the past two days, 250 people in violation of international law after the Libya and were brought back. Quote from the CEO: “Europe is in need of protection from drowning and forcing the Survivors in acute danger.”

Tuesday, 22.1.: The “Sea-Watch 3” is currently the only civilian rescue ship, operating in the Mediterranean sea. Since Saturday it has 47 Rescued on Board, the volunteers have no authorisation to make a secure port. During their last deployment, the ship had to wait 19 days on the open sea, until Rescued in the port of Malta were allowed to go ashore.

The second German rescue ship in the Mediterranean sea, the “Professor Albrecht Penck” of the German aid organization, the Sea-Eye, is provisionally put out of action. Also, you had to wait for your final two weeks, until it was handed over to the Rescued, what has added to the Association in a serious financial damage. In the next three weeks the ship is to be prepared for its next use, it is currently located in the port of Palma de Mallorca.

in addition, the civilian rescuers use the reconnaissance aircraft Moonbird. It searches from the air for undiscovered, in distress at sea dinghies and two-way radio to maintain contact with the rescue ships.

In the first days of the year more than 210 people are already in the Mediterranean, drowned plus the, whose bodies have not yet been discovered. The taz has today released an impressive Statement.

Monday, 22.1.: to save Instead of in the Mediterranean sea, trust guard, the EU countries, the so-called “Libyan coast”. Their ships are supposed to take Drowning on Board and into the civil war in the country. That the people there, torture and rape threatens, is known for a long time – appropriate horrors you can read reports about here in the case of Human Rights Watch. More recently, Ayoub Qassim, spokesman of the Libyan Navy has confirmed officially that it will guard the operations of its coast, by no means, to humanitarian missions is: “Those who leave Libya illegally via the sea should be criminalized […] and should be brought to justice” (source here).

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off the coast of Libya, The return of the civilian Maritime search and rescue

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Since the end of last year, two German rescue ship in the Mediterranean sea, one under the German flag again. A third boat is soon to follow. Click here to read the daily mirror report on the return of the civilian Maritime search and rescue from the 26.12.2018.