The 27-year-old count Frederik Christian Adam Moltke, who is the owner of Bregentved, is dead.

It confirms godforvalter in Bregentved Anders Dolmer to Ekstra Bladet.

He says that the 27-year-old count died in an american singer, actor, in Japan 23. January.

– of course We are all tremendously affected and very sad, ” says Anders Dolmer.

He says, that the young count was educated jordbrugsøkonomi, cand.oecon.agro., from the University of Copenhagen, denmark.

He was living in London and worked for an English company that develops landsbrugsprodukter.

even Though Frederik Christian Adam Moltke had taken over parts of the ownership of the Bregentved estate from his father, Christian Moltke, he had the daily not anything with Bregentved to do.

– He had enough to do with his work in London, but it was the idea that he would come home one day and take over the company, says Anders Dolmeer.

He says, that the young count will be buried from Tureby Church Saturday 2. February o’clock, 13.

Bregentved is on Display close to Denmark and is Denmark’s largest cargo. The estate has been owned by the Moltke family since 1746.

the cargo hear the big forest – and agricultural land in a total of 6519 acres.