at first, everything seemed pretty harmless. Compared with the large data leaks and privacy Schluddereien sound, a market research App that is not paid after the next big Facebook scandal (Facebook-Experiment: teenagers $ 20). Only 5% of the participants were Teenagers, left the group, and all have confirmed parental permission.

If someone use voluntarily and for money a mobile phone monitor, this is his thing – provided that you are old enough and know what you’re doing. In Switzerland, for example, some people wear a watch with a microphone that captures ambient noise and for market research purposes sent. No, this is not a data-hungry U.S. tech group behind it. The radio usage is measured. More on this here.


After the American Tech magazine “Techcrunch” for the first Time of this research had reported App is, withdrawn, Facebook announced that the App would be pulled from the market.

Wars that so? By no means!

Attention had at that time already, the last paragraph of the message to Facebook market research App. In fact, Facebook had passed the said App on Apple controls to the iPhone the Tester.

companies have the opportunity to put on the iPhones of your staff directly Apps without going through Apple’s strictly regulated and controlled App Store.

rules broken:

Apple’s response was not long in coming. “Techcrunch” said, the iPhone group: “We have developed the Enterprise Developer Program only to, companies that can provide your employees with Apps. Facebook has used its participation in this program, to distribute a data collection App to customers, which is a clear violation of our collective agreement. We deprive of each developer, the access certificates to this program, does not keep to this agreement. That is exactly what we have done now with Facebook also, in order to protect our customers.”

Facebook has not withdrawn the market research App so voluntarily. Apple has left the social network by the exclusion from the Enterprise Developer Program no other choice than to cave in.

That in itself would be quite a Surprise. A tech group-skin of the other audience effectively to the Finger. But now it is really exciting.

Like the Business Insider and other US media reports, is not affected by Facebook’s exclusion from the Enterprise Developer Program just this one App, but all Apps that Facebook makes available to its employees.


not more So worked on once in tens of thousands of employees in numerous Apps. Who tested prerelease versions of Facebook Apps, had to download the normal Apps from the App Store. Other proprietary Apps, such as for transport services or employees information, not more, work even reports on the inside.

Since all of these are part of elementary Apps hung on the same certificate as the market research App, has been disabled by Apple, at a stroke, just a cheat App, but all iPhone users in Facebook (and it’s supposed to give according to insiders, very many) of all the companies-excluded Apps.

Business Insider reports because of disgruntled employees, recriminations and conspiracy theories.

An unnamed Facebook employee, but also to Protocol, he was himself an App developer, and it is quite clear that the Enterprise Developer Program is only meant for internal Apps. Since it is not should not be surprised at his employer about bad press if he keep to the rules.

A Facebook Manager, meanwhile, tried, the applied to soothe employees. In a Mail he said: We are in close contact with Apple and to bring the main in-house Apps up and Running again. Early Thursday morning (Swiss time), however, was hearing nothing of a solution to the conflict.

Great Power but also great responsibility?

Not to argue but even now, With his rule-breaking be Facebook has attributed to the current Chaos to internal Apps. That Apple is a billion-dollar conglomerates as little squeamish as for the small App developers, is only logical.

on the Other hand, shows the case, but also the enormous Power of Apple and its entire user base. In the world that are currently 900 million iPhones, and a total of 1.4 billion Apple devices, such as the group figures in the last quarter.

Only change What is accepted: if Apple have now banished not only Facebook’s internal Apps, public Apps, so in addition to Facebook also Whatsapp and Instagram – of all the iPhones?


Apple, Facebook has put internal Apps lame. How do you see that?

Facebook has brought everything by yourself.
Apple has overreacted.

Facebook has brought everything by yourself.


Apple overreacted.


a minimum of 232 votes

Facebook has brought everything by yourself.


Apple overreacted.


a minimum of 232 votes


Created: 31.01.2019, 10:33 PM